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        resilient and competitive aviation   the globe.  SAF that is currently   The expectation is that Raízen will
        industry as a whole,” he noted.     commercially available can reduce   help Embraer reach the goal of
                                            GHG emissions by up to 80 per cent   having SAF blends representing 100
        How Do We Do This?                  on a life-cycle emissions basis as   per cent of its fuel consumption in
                                                                                Brazil by 2030.
        According to Affonso the use of SAF   compared to fossil fuels, offering   Embraer has plans to unveil a new
                                            airlines a way to become greener
        - fuel either made from biogenic    while continuing to fly. ”          fleet of Energia aircraft powered
        feedstocks such as waste cook-                                          by hybrid, full electric and later
        ing oil, agricultural residues and                                      hydrogen. The company last year
        municipal waste, or through next    Easy Solution                       launched its new Energia family of
        generation SAF technologies such    “SAF can be used without modifica-  four aircraft concepts in various
        as power-to-liquid from recycled    tion to existing aircraft and engine   configurations that will use electric
        CO2 and carbon-capture technolo-    infrastructure,”  Affonso  pointed   and hydrogen-powered propulsion
        gies - will play an indispensable part   out, adding, “All Pratt & Whitney   systems.
        in achieving this transition. Given   engines and Embraer aircraft are
        the long lead time for new propul-  currently certified to operate with   “We’re working right now to refine
        sion technologies like hydrogen and   SAF blended up to 50 per cent     the first airplane concepts, the ones
        electric to come to market, SAF is a   with standard Jet A/A1 kerosene,   that can start reducing emissions
        way to make substantial progress    according to ASTM International     sooner rather than later. Small air-
        on net zero immediately, for both   specifications. Future specifications   craft are ideal on which to test and
        long and short haul aviation.       will enable blends of up to 100 per   prove new propulsion technologies
                                                                                so that they can be scaled up

        There is a Red Area                 cent SAF to maximize the emissions   to larger aircraft. That’s why our

        “The problem of wider adoption      reduction potential of using fuel   Energia family is such an important
                                            derived from sustainable, non-fos-
                                                                                platform,” Affonso said.
        is two-fold: the cost and current   sil-based feedstocks.”
        limited supply of SAF. Today’s com-                                     “We see our role as a developer
        mercial production of SAF is only   What Other Steps?                   of novel technologies to help the
        approximately 0.05 per cent of total                                    industry achieve its sustainability
        EU jet fuel consumption – and the   As part of Embraer’s attempt to     targets. SAF is going to be key to
        current pace of growth is nowhere   drive the development of SAF, the   the delivery of the lower-carbon
        near what it should be to meet      company signed a Letter of Intent   aviation industry – but there are
        global climate objectives.          with Raízen, a global leader in     going to have to be some serious
                                            bioenergy and one of the largest    discussions about how this is scaled
        What is the Solution?               sugarcane ethanol producers in      up. There’s no easy or single solu-
                                            the world, to help stimulate the
        “We need to significantly increase   growth and sustainability of the   tion in getting to net zero,” Affonso
                                                                                stated with a smile, as I made way
        the availability of SAF all across   value chain as a whole.            for him to straddle on the aisle.

        16  | 2022 SEPTEMBER                                                                 WWW . GBP. COM . SG
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