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        seats with a 180-degree flat reclin-                                    Europe in general.’
        ing function in Business Class. The
        seats also LED lights and an inte-                                      Bamboo  Airways  made  its  first
        grated in-seat charging system.                                         flight  connecting  Vietnam  and
                                                                                Cambodia in August and operates
        Bamboo Airways                                                          Embraer-190 aircraft on these
                                                                                routes. in April 2021, Bamboo
        Bamboo Airways is a part of the                                         Airways took part in a demo flight
        Vietnamese conglomerate  FLC                                            of Embraer’s E190-E2 TechShark in
        Group and started commercial        flights. Bamboo Airways plans to    Hanoi which demonstrated the air-
        operations in January 2019 with a   operate on 40 international routes   craft’s fuel efficiency and capacity
        leased A320ceo. The airline grew    and 80 domestic routes in 2022.     for short runways.
        quickly, inducting its first 787-9, the
        same year, becoming the first pri-  Bamboo Airways’ domestic flight     The airline also appears to be inter-
        vate Vietnamese carrier to induct a   network expanded in the peak      ested in the Airbus A220 single-aisle
        widebody jetliner. Bamboo Airways   period of summer 2022, with         jetliner, attending a demonstra-
        is looking to increase its fleet to 35   load factors on many routes con-  tion of the aircraft in May. In a
                                            tinuously recording high rates,
        aircraft by the end of 2022, growing   frequently exceeding 80 per cent.   statement, the carrier said that its
        to 42 by 2023, and 100 by 2028. The   The airline’s revenue in April 2022   attendance of the demonstration
        airline currently operates a fleet of   exceeded US$ 42,000, growing to   flight of the A220, was a reflection
        nearly  30  aircraft  including  787-  nearly US$ 85,000 in revenue per   of the airline’s great interest and
        9s, Embraer-190s, and Airbus 320    month from May to July 2022.        relentless efforts in fortifying its cur-
        family jetliners. Bamboo Airways                                        rent fleet and expanding network.
        was  the  first  airline  to  operate   The airline will also continue to   Airbus conducted the demo flight
        Embraer jetliners in Vietnam.       promote and launch new interna-     of the new single-aisle A220-300
                                            tional routes to markets in Asia,   at Vietnam’s Noi Bai International
        Bamboo Airways took part in a       Europe, Australia, and further to   Airport in the presence of Bamboo
        demo flight of Embraer’s E190-      the Americas. In particular, it will   Airways’ officials in May.
        E2 TechShark in Hanoi in April      focus on developing long-haul
        2021                                nonstop international flights con-  Bamboo Airways has stated that
                                            necting major continental gateway   the A220-300 would offer it consid-
        Bamboo Airways presently operates   airports. Bamboo Airways operates   erable flexibility in operating either
        an average of 170 flights per day,   regular intercontinental flights con-  domestic routes or new regional
        covering the domestic flight net-   necting the two largest cities of   routes  out  of  Asia  –  Pacific.  The
        work with nearly 40 routes to 21/22   Vietnam with Australia and Europe.   efficient narrow-body aircraft can
        airports in Vietnam, and 12 regu-   From October, Bamboo Airways will   undertake both short and medi-
        lar international nonstop routes    launch a weekly nonstop service     um-haul flights. The A220-300 is the
        to Asia, Europe, and Australia. The   on Saturdays connecting Noi Bai   larger member of A220 family and
        airline also moved quickly, shortly   International Airport and London’s   can seat up to 160 passengers.  The
        after Vietnam officially reopened   Gatwick Airport. Hoang Ngoc         new generation A220 delivers 25%
        its international flight network in   Thach, Deputy Chief Commercial    lower fuel burn than previous gen-
        mid-February 2022 to launch nine    Officer of Bamboo Airways, said:    eration aircraft in the same class,
        new international regular non-stop   ‘The nonstop Hanoi – Gatwick route   largely due to its Pratt & Whitney
        routes while increasing the fre-    is Bamboo Airways’ next effort in   PurePower PW1500G geared turbo-
        quency of pre-pandemic operated     serving UK market in particular and   fan engines.

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