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        longer-range  787-9  provides  the   Thailand and international routes   travel and feedbacks on our current
        carrier with the flexibility to connect   to several destinations including   India-Vietnam  routes are excel-
        the world’s major cities to popular   Singapore, Malaysia, Myanmar,     lent, we now prioritize to expand
        destinations in Vietnam and sur-    Indonesia, Cambodia, Taiwan,        and increase flight operations to
        rounding countries.                 South Korea, China, Japan and       India.” Vietjet is now the largest
                                            India. Vietjet is the largest carrier   carrier operating between the two
        Vietnam Airlines was the first Asian   operating between Vietnam and    countries in terms of capacity, with
        airline to fly the A350 XWB and the   Thailand in terms of capacity.    a total of 17 services.
        second operator of the type glob-
        ally. It placed the orders for 10 A350   The airline also recently announced   Vietjet carried its 100 millionth pas-
        XWBs in December 2007. It now       a return to Changi International    senger in late 2019 and operates
        operates a fleet of 12 A350 XWBs.   Airport (Singapore) new Terminal    a fleet of approximately 90 A320
        The airline’s fleet also includes the   4 from 22 September. In July, Vietjet   and A321 aircraft in addition to the
        A321. It ordered 20 A321neos as     announced that it would strengthen   A330. The carrier has an average
        part of its fleet renewal programme   its  India  operations,  offering  its   fleet age between 2 - 3 years, giving
        and too delivery of the first aircraft   flyers  the  largest  flight  network   it one of the youngest fleets in the
        in November 2018. Vietnam Airlines   ever between Vietnam and India.    region. Vietjet’s first major order
        A321neo’s are configured in a two-  The airline which already connects,   with Airbus was for 63 A320 Family
        class layout with eight Business    Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City with
        Class seats and 195 Economy Class                                       aircraft and inked in February 2014,
        seats.                              New Delhi and Mumbai, is adding     this was followed in rapid succes-
                                            11 new routes connecting four       sion for orders for six additional
        Vietnam was the world’s sev         major Vietnamese cities with Indian   A321ceos during the 2015 Paris Air
        enth fastest-growing aviation       western and southern central hubs   Show, and another 30 A321s (nine
                                            of Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, and
        market in the year 2020             Bangalore (Bengaluru). The nine new   A321ceo and 21 A321neo) at the
                                                                                2015 Dubai Airshow. In 2016, Vietjet
                                            routes linking Hanoi/ Ho Chi Minh   placed  firm  orders  with  Airbus

        Vietnamese LCC, Vietjet first took to
        the skies at the end of 2011, start-
        ing operations with a fleet of A320
        aircraft. The LCC has since grown
        rapidly to become the largest pri-
        vate airline in Vietnam. Vietjet’s
        continued growth since inception
        is attributed to its customer-centric
        strategy and constantly expanding
        network. The airline has continued
        to invest in expanding its aircraft
        fleet with newer and more fuel-effi-
        cient aircraft and has now reopened
        and has now increased the fre-      City/ Da Nang with Ahmedabad/       for 20 A321s (10 A321ceo and 10
        quency of all international routes   Hyderabad/ Bangalore will operate   A321neo).  Vietjet  placed  a  firm
        previously operated to Singapore,   from September onwards with four    order with Airbus for 50 additional
        Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia,      weekly flights each. The two other   A321neo aircraft in November
        Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, India,   new routes including Da Nang -     2018.  Vietjet’s  fleet  today  com-
        etc. Vietjet was named ‘Value       Mumbai/New Delhi are planned to     prises of nearly 100 Airbus aircraft
        Airline of the Year’ and the ‘Top 10   become operational before the end   spread across A320ceo, A321ceo
        Best Low-cost Airlines” for 2022 by   of th year.                       and A321neo aircraft.
                                            Vietjet Vice President Nguyen       The  fuel  efficient  A321neo  will
        Vietjet today operates a compre-    Thanh Son said: “Vietjet has been   enable the Vietnamese carrier to
        hensive network in Vietnam and      the  first  airline  launching  direct   increase capacity and expand its
        Asia Pacific. Together with Vietjet’s   flights between Vietnam and India   network significantly, especially on
        affiliated ThaiVietjet in Thailand,   since 2019 and has constantly     international routes. In March, the
        both carrier’s operate on a total of   expanded its operation to the    Vietjet announced the arrival of
        197 domestic routes in Vietnam and   world’s second most populated      its second wide-body Airbus A330
                                            country. As the world reopens to    jetliner, which is fitted with leather

        VIETNAM AVIATION EXPO 2022                                                              2022 SEPTEMBER |  13
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