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        Currently, Airlines, airport oper-  advantages, such as optimized       aerospace capabilities,” said
        ators, airport on-site enterprises   seating  capacity,  cost  efficiency,   Michael Nguyen, country director,
        (restaurants and  retail), aircraft   operating range, improved ser-    Boeing Vietnam.
        manufacturers, and air navigation   vice quality, and flexibility of route   “The significant opportunities out-
        service providers employ 42,000     development.  “Given  its  capa-    lined at the Forum align with the
        people in Vietnam. To  meet  the    bilities, regional jets are the ‘go   government’s Make in Vietnam,
        demand of expected 275.9 million    to’ aircraft for airlines looking to   Digital Vietnam, and Green Energy
        passengers and approximately 4.1    expand their domestic regional      goals. We will continue to work with
        tons of cargo in 2030, the ministry   operations beyond the current ATR   Vietnamese  industry  and  univer-
        of transport (MOT) has prioritized   network. One interesting example is   sities to provide a foundation for
        investing in several airports that   the Hanoi – Côn Đảo route. Before   long-term industrial growth.”
        are of great importance in the      the introduction of regional jets, the
        Hanoi Capital region and Ho Chi     city-pair was served with a stopover   Boeing’s current suppliers in
        Minh City region like Noi Bai, Tan   in Ho Chi Minh given the limitations   Vietnam  are  raising  the bar  to
        Son Nhat, and Long Thanh            to handle large narrow-body air-    deliver  world-class  quality  and
        International Airport.              craft in Côn Đảo, and the distance   productivity  as they  become  an
                                            between the two cities falling out-  important part of the company’s
        Simultaneously, 22 existing airports   side the operational range of a   global supply chain. Vietnamese
        are being gradually upgraded and    turboprop,” Embraer said.           suppliers have been manufacturing
        effectively  operating,  of  which  6                                   components including aerostruc-
        new airports are under construc-    In recognition of Vietnam’s growing   tures, electronics and composites
        tion and investment. Additionally,   aviation industry, its diverse econ-  for the past decade to support
        authorities in some districts as well   omy, and its investment in a highly   Boeing commercial airplane pro-
        as “giant” corporations, notably    skilled workforce, Boeing opened its   duction. Boeing also collaborates
        Vietjet, Vingroup, FLC Group, and   corporate office in Hanoi in 2021.   with Vietnam companies on best
        Sun Group, have also addressed      According to the U.S. based air     practices for lean manufacturing,
        their interests in investing in air-  framer, its investments in Vietnam   supplier management and other
        ports such as Chu Lai, Cat Bi, Tuy   have helped grow the local aero-   specialized training. Boeing shared
                                                                                the company’s strategy to decar-
        Hoa, Dien Bien, Dong Hoi, Quang     space sector, creating jobs and     bonize aviation with a focus on
        Tri, and Van Don.                   driving innovation. Boeing has cur-

        “Although operational challenges
        and concerns about the Covid
        epidemic are still causing difficult
        times for the aviation industry,
        Vietnamese airlines are still expe-
        riencing a rebound
        in demand due to their determi-
        nation to speed up the recovery
        process and the government’s
        supportive policies,” Viettonkin    rently four suppliers in Vietnam,   fleet renewal, operational efficien-
        Consulting said.                    producing parts and raw material    cies, a renewable energy transition
                                            for Boeing Commercial Airplane      with an emphasis on sustainable
        OEMs Pitch In                       programmes.                         aviation fuels (SAF) and advanced

        Global air-framers are also work-   Boeing Seeks Growth                 technology.
        ing to develop and strengthen                                           Over 50 Vietnamese companies,
        Vietnam’s aerospace capabilities.   Boeing has chalked out a strategy   universities and  government
        Brazilian multinational aerospace   towards increasing Vietnamese       agencies participated in the first
        manufacturer Embraer pointed        opportunities in aerospace man-     Vietnam Aerospace Industry Forum,
        out rather than costly infrastruc-  ufacturing and training, supply     which was hosted by Boeing.
        ture projects, regional jets are the   chain, sustainable  aviation  and   Boeing in Vietnam has contributed
        most viable alternative to improve   research and development. “The     to  several  community  initiatives
        air services with no limitation     Aerospace Industry Forum builds     focused on STEM education, pro-
        and higher payload compared to      upon Boeing’s collaboration with    viding resources to prepare young
        turboprops.                         Vietnam and its                     adults and an emerging workforce
        According to Embraer, it also       aviation industry over the past     with technical skills development,
        provides distinct operational       25 years to expand the country’s    according to the official.

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