Page 5 - VIA EXPO 2022 | Show Preview
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        JAY MENON
                                            organisation’s functions and build a   the aviation industry. But since
        With over 30 years of operation in   brand which will attract the interna-  the announcement of the second
        the aviation industry, participating   tional aviation fraternity.      VIAExpo, we have started to receive
        in aviation exhibitions and air-                                        more attention and support from
        shows in Europe, USA, Singapore,    “After a long time working in the   domestic enterprises, known and
        etc., Luong Thi Xuan - Director of   industry, traveling to many coun-  supported by foreign enterprises.
        GK Wintron Co. Ltd. succeeded in    tries, visiting many manufacturing   That was the initial success of the
        bringing the Vietnam International   plants, and witnessing the devel-  exhibition.
        Aviation Expo - VIAE to the         opment of the country with nearly
        Vietnamese market for the first time   100 million people willing to learn   At VIAE2022, besides the exhibition
        in 2019.                            and develop, I realised that aviation   and conferences on each day, we
                                            could be the spearhead industry of   focus on the quality and results of
        All the valuable experience on the   the country’s economy. That is the   our exhibitor and visitors’ business
        development path since 1988 and     reason why I am passionate about    trip in Vietnam.  We will try our best
        the  success  of  the  first  Vietnam   bringing the model of aviation   to connect our partners with the
        International Aviation Expo are     exhibitions from other countries to   right people, right organisations
        the key for the development of      Vietnam,” Luong Thi Xuan says.      that can bring good business rela-
        the Vietnam International Aviation   Excerpts                           tionship for them.
        Expo - VIAE brand. Her initiative also
        received ample support and guid-                                        Given this picture, what are the
        ance from the Ministry of Transport,   How satisfied are you            factors that will shape VIAEXPO?
        the Civil Aviation Administration of   with the growth of the event     In your view, what are the
        Vietnam, the Vietnam Aerospace      since the inaugural edition?        requirements for a successful
        Association and other ministries    What are some of the new            airshow organisation? Are you
        and agencies.                       features of the current edition?    satisfied with the response
                                                                                from sponsors?
        While the preparations for the 2nd   Luong Thi Xuan: Because there
        Vietnam International Aviation Expo   are still many mission goals that   Luong  Thi  Xuan: In order for
        were on, the Organising Committee   VIAExpo needs to strive for and     Vietnam International Aviation
        decided to establish Vietnam        achieve, we cannot say we are sat-  Expo to be formed, developed and
        Aviation Exhibition Joint Stock     isfied. This is just the beginning of   maintained, there must be a full
        Company in order to specialise the   the exhibition, towards the future   gathering of the following factors:
                                            of sustainable development of

        VIETNAM AVIATION EXPO 2022                                                              2022 SEPTEMBER |  5
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