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          Support from state management    and promoting businesses.           How do you see the role and posi-
        agencies                                                                tion of the support offered by the
          The solidarity and cooperation   What will be the importance of      state?
        of businessmen, domestic aviation   this event for the industry? Who
        enterprises.                        is your target audience? What will   Luong Thi Xuan: The Government
         The maturity and joint effort of a   be the similarities and differences   and state agencies play an import-
        young generation who aspires to     with other events in the region?    ant role in supporting entrepreneurs
        build the country’s aviation industry.                                  over difficulties and challenges. For
         And especially the support and    Luong Thi Xuan:         Vietnam     example, during the Covid-19 pan-
        accompany of overseas enterprises.   International Aviation Expo 2022   demic, the Vietnamese Government
                                            is a key annual event of Vietnam    had done a tremendous job in
        This year, we are honoured to       Aviation Industry. We have nur-     controlling the outbreak and had
        receive the sponsorship and com-    tured this event for 10 years after   brought everything to normal very
        panionship of Boeing, Embraer,      visiting many airshows in the world.   quickly.
        Vietnam Airlines, Vietravel Airlines   Luckily, we succeed to organise the
        and Vietnamese businesses that      first VIAE in 2019. This is the reason   Regarding Vietnam International
        have supported the program. That    leading to the VIAE 2022.           Aviation Expo, our Government,
        shows the interest of international                                     mainly the Ministry of Transportation,
        businesses in Vietnam’s aviation    VIAE 2022 performs the mission of   Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam,
        market, as well as the cohesion of   bringing together airlines, enter-  National Traffic Safety Committee
        domestic enterprises who want to    prises, manufacturers from the      and other relevant departments
        bring the image of the country’s avi-  world over to Vietnam. This is a   have extended their support to
        ation further.                      place for experts, operators, lead-  organise the expo, with the right
                                            ers from governments, associations,   advice and instructions. The author-
        What do you foresee as some         airlines, enterprises in aviation field   ities also contributed in attracting
        biggest post-COVID challenges       to meet and exchange new ideas,     Vietnamese enterprises to make the
        for the exhibition business?        strategies. And also, the show will   event more stronger.
        What according to you would         help in bringing the latest modern   What would be your message to
        be the upcoming trends that will    technologies, products, and ser-
        influence the exhibition/airshow    vices to the Vietnamese market.     the industry and the key learnings
                                                                                from the worldwide pandemic?
                                            What, in your opinion, has been     Luong Thi Xuan: Aviation is the lead-
        Luong Thi Xuan:  Difficulties  are   the contribution of previous edi-  ing industry of economy. When you
        inevitable after the Covid pan-     tions of VIAEXPO to the notable     become the leaders, become the
        demic.  Aviation businesses  have   growth of Vietnam’s airlines        pioneers, you have to be a first one
        been affected too much during the   industry?                           facing with challenges. And also be
        last two years leading to financial                                     the first ones recovering after the
        exhaustion to be able to attend     Luong Thi Xuan: The first Vietnam   pandemic, in order to contribute to
        aerospace exhibitions. Some coun-   International Aviation Expo was     the recovery of the economy.
        tries have still not opened their   held in 2019. After the postpone-
        borders because of the fear of pan-  ment because of the Covid-19       What is your message for the
        demic. These governments of some    pandemic, now we come back          exhibitors and visitors?
        countries strictly control and pro-  for a second time. After the first
        mulgate regulations to control the   event, we realised the importance   Luong Thi Xuan: VIAE should be a
        Covid-19 epidemic, preventing sev-  and potential of the expo toward    must-go event for any brand work-
        eral business establishments from   the development of the aviation     ing in the aviation industry. It will not
        attending our show.                 industry.                           only be a leverage to boost up your

        Despite  these  difficulties,  we  are   VIAExpo helps in portraying the   branding, expand your business,
                                                                                and discover your opportunities,
        still ready to support aviation busi-  Vietnam aviation industry’s image   update new trends, but also a key
        nesses to cope with these difficulties   overseas, and also in attracting the   to access hi-level individuals in the
        to promote the recovery of the      best things from the aviation indus-  aviation industry.
        industry after two years of absolute   try around the world to Vietnam.   Vietnam is a young, new and active
        standstill. The trend of online exhi-  It helps in creating a direct bridge   aviation market with the highest
        bitions and webinars will help the   between the Vietnamese market      growth rate in the ASEAN region.
        exhibition organisations to maintain   and the world. It also enables our   Our country’s adaptability to new
        the connection between businesses   entrepreneurs in finding out their   technologies is higher than others.
        and people in any circumstances.    partners directly and actively. Last   So if you are at VIAE 2022, it means
                                            but not the least, it  helps in accel-
        But physical events are still the most                                  you have already set your foot into
        effective in connecting with people   erating business relations.       the most attractive aviation market.

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