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        You know an aviation market is      ideal aircraft for flights between   for 57 per cent of all new deliver-
        brimming with potential when        regional and rural airports with    ies, 43 per cent will be used to grow
        major plane makers start show-      shorter runway distances. Because   markets.
        casing new aircraft and wooing      of its optimized design and Pratt
        carriers in the region.             & Whitney PW1000G engines, the      According to the plane maker,
                                            aircraft has a significantly lower   Asia-Pacific will require up to 3,190
        Embraer’s three-day tour of Vietnam   carbon footprint than other air-  regional jets in the up-to-150- seats
        with its E190-E2 ‘TechShark’ in     craft in its class and also is quieter.    category, with North America fol-
        April has to be seen in the context   More importantly, it offers airlines   lowing close behind at 3,140. With
        of the eye-catching growth of the   the potential for lower operational   sustainability becoming a key
        country’s aviation industry and the   costs on short routes.            focus area and network connectiv-
        growing need for the right kind of                                      ity assuming critical importance,
        aircraft to serve remote commu-     Small is Beautiful                  carriers across regions are likely
        nities. The tree-day tour, in which                                     to diversify their fleets throughout
        the company showcased the air-      Embraer’s focus on Vietnam and      the current decade, adding more
        craft’s fuel efficiency, minimal noise   the Asia Pacific region in general   80-to-120-seat aircraft.
        emissions, and short-runway perfor-  comes at a time when the effects of
        mance, generated an enthusiastic    the pandemic are wearing off and    Arjan Meijer, President and CEO
        response from carriers, thus pro-   carriers, in a sea change from the   of Embraer Commercial Aviation,
        viding a major fillip to the Brazilian   pre-pandemic period, are looking   is confident that the company will
        plane maker’s plans of capturing a   for smaller aircraft. Much of the   be  able  to  significantly  expand
        market that is ripe for the entry of   demand for smaller aircraft over   its presence in Vietnam and the
        smaller capacity aircraft than the   the next two decades will origi-   region. “Embraer has a good foot-
        A320 and 737 that dominate the      nate from the region; according to   print in Asia, but not as big as it
        skies in the country.               its 2022 Market Outlook, Embraer    has in Europe and the Americas,”
                                            forecasts the need for 10,950 new   he says. “We are seeing significant
        In the E190-E2, which is designed   aircraft with up to 150-seats over   interest in Asia at the moment;
        to operate with up to 114 passen-   the next 20 years. While replace-   more than 40 used E jets moved
        gers onboard, the company has the   ment of ageing aircraft will account   into Asia during the pandemic, into

        VIETNAM AVIATION EXPO 2022                                                              2022 SEPTEMBER |  7
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