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        Australia and Vietnam for example.   Bamboo Airways, which is an opera-  the company already has more
        We have more than 100 aircraft      tor of Embraer’s E-190, made public   than 250 letters of intent for the air-
        flying in China today.”             its plans to evaluate new aircraft   craft, which will have two variants,
                                            as part of its efforts to maintain a   with 70 and 90 seats. The aircraft is
        E2 Family to the Fore               modern fleet. Meanwhile, Vietnam    scheduled to enter service in 2028,
                                                                                with the official launch and sales
                                            Airlines announced in June that it is
        Meijer is confident the E2 family will   planning to replace its ATR 72-500   expected in the first half of 2023. Th
        do well in Asia. “India has a clear   fleet with regional jets.  While both   company is currently in discussions
        direction to connect the main-      the A220 and E2 jets are powered    with Pratt & Whitney Canada and
        lines to smaller airports,” he says.   by Pratt & Whitney GTF engines,   Rolls-Royce about engines for the
        “China as well. For that, you will   the E2’s design reduces fuel burn by   aircraft and expects to select one
        need smaller aircraft. To do that.   about 25 per cent compared to its   before the end of the year. The com
        We have the E2, which is a smaller   predecessors, and 10 per cent      pany projects a 20-year demand
        aircraft but has the same seat cost                                     for 2,200 turboprops globally and
        almost as a bigger narrowbody.      less than competing narrowbodies.   a requirement for 900 from the Asia
        So, airlines could fly the E2 into the   Another significant advantage, one   Pacific region alone.
        smaller cities.”

        The E2 series of aircraft, which
        entered commercial service with
        Widerøe in April 2018, is regarded
        in industry circles as the quietest
        single-aisle jet in the world. More
        than 60 % quieter than the E195,
        it is 11 per cent quieter than the
        Airbus A220-100, which is one of
        the quietest aircraft. The aircraft
        is also more fuel efficient than other
        comparable aircraft in the market.
        The industry’s focus on sustainabil-
        ity is another tailwind for Embraer.   that will weigh heavily on the minds   The Energia family, the next-gen-
        In June this year, the company      of decision makers, is that the E195-  eration of 19- to 50-seat aircraft
        joined hands with Pratt & Whitney   E2 has 11 per cent and 33 per cent   that Embraer has introduced as
        to successfully test a GTF-powered   lower cost per seat compared to the   concept  aircraft,  has received  a
        E195-E2 aircraft on 100 per cent    A220-100 and A220-300.              warm response, with Norway-based
        sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).                                        Widerøe becoming the first airline
                                            “The economics of the aircraft is one   to join the Energia Advisory Group.
        Embraer’s successful showing at     of the major selling points; it is the   The focus on sustainability and on
                                            most fuel-efficient aircraft that is
        this  year’  Farnborough  Airshow,                                      reducing CO2 emissions will spur
        when it announced a string of       out there today,” says Meijer about   the development of such aircraft,
        orders, including an order from     E2 jets. “It is the quietest aircraft   company officials say.
                                            in its class. It is a very modern air-
        Canada’s Porter Airlines for 20     plane. We have about 1600 E jets    “A lot of operators want to embrace
        for 20 E195-E2s, in addition to its   flying in the world today. The transi-  sustainability,” says Meijer. “We
        earlier firm order for 30 aircraft of   tion training from the E1 to E2 is just
        the type, provides it much needed   two and a half days. After that, you   launched Energia as concepts and
        momentum as it gears up to find     can fly the aircraft together. Being   not products because we want to
                                                                                show the market what we think is
        new buyers for its jets in Asia and   able to fly a mixed fleet is helpful for   a realistic outlook. There are a lot
        other regions. In Vietnam and other   operators.  It is an airplane that car-  of promises out there from people
        parts of the region, the company is   riers can use to really complement   in order to attract funding. We do
        competing with Airbus to woo car-   narrowbodies.”                      not believe the technology is ready
        riers with their smaller capacity jet                                   to achieve their objectives. We want
                                            Busy Days Ahead                     to show what we believe is realis-
                                                                                tic. We are interested in talking to
        The New Trend                       Even as it gears up to market E2    partners who can helps get these

        Due do the harsh lessons taught by   jets in Vietnam and the region in   concepts realized into products. We
                                                                                believe there is future for these con-
                                            general, Embraer is also moving
        the pandemic, carriers are swiftly   swiftly forward with its plans for   cepts and want to talk to customers
        moving away from single-type        its turboprop. According to Meijer,   to understand how they fit into their
        fleets. In May, Vietnamese carrier                                      scheme of things. “

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