Page 9 - Defense & Security 2023 - Day 1
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NATO. It employs advanced digital AESA
solutions developed by IAI. With the latest
Gallium Nitride (GaN) technology the P600
AEW&C has unparalleled ability to simul-
taneously detect, classify and track more
threats under aircraft maneuver while keep-
ing size, weight and aerodynamic impact to
a minimum. It offers uniform coverage and
an instrumented detection range of more
than 350Nm across 240⁰.
The system features the latest advances in
automation technology, including Artificial
Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).
This means that fewer actions are needed to
achieve an equivalent work load, while im-
proving mission performance. This facili-
Performance and Efficiency - tates greater crew availability while lowering
operating and training overhead. Smaller
A Winning AEW&C Proposition crews are but one of the many unique bene-
fits of this system, which benefits from IAI’s
operational experience and rich AEW&C
system legacy.
Driven by the operational demands of the The ELW-2096 P600 is a super mid-size
Israel Air Force (IAF) and customers world- business jet which flies higher, faster and The P600 AEW&C is a flexible system that
wide, IAI ELTA division, pioneered the de- longer than large commercial jet. The air- delivers enhanced situational awareness
sign and development of high-performance craft’s ability to fly at 40,000 feet, above and battle space management. It performs
Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) commercial aviation traffic, enables it to surveillance of airborne targets from low
aircraft based on business jet platforms. undertake missions with minimal friction to high altitudes, over any terrain, in all
with Air Traffic Control (ATC), enhances weather conditions, and at very long ranges.
In the 1980s, IAI pioneered AESA technolo- “standoff” range, and improves performance Furthermore, the aircraft features autono-
mous and hybrid modes, which enable oper-
gy, leading to the advanced B-707 Phalcon over challenging terrain and mountainous ation as an independent airborne Command
AEW&C aircraft, the first to use electronically regions. Moreover, it’s performance and
steered narrow beams for aerial threat de- reliability offer numerous additional advan- and Control (C2) post or in conjunction with
tection. Initially, IAF Special Mission Aircraft tages: quicker dispatch times, faster ascent ground control. Its software driven architec-
(SMA) relied on older platforms like the to mission altitude, shorter turnaround time, ture ensures that future capabilities can be
B-707 SIGINT and Grumman E-2 Hawkeye the ability to use shorter runways, and lower added as needed and upgrades easily and
AEW&C. By the mid-’90s, the aging B-707 operating cost. Coupled with IAI’s 5th gen- affordably introduced as new technologies
and E-2 airframes required replacement. eration digital GaN AESA radar system and are introduced. Its baseline mission suite
Seeking cost-effective performance, IAI and miniaturized electronics the P600 AEW&C already includes radar, IFF, ESM/ELINT,
IAF explored high-performance business offers a winning combination of mission ADSB, and AIS.
jets, with the Gulfstream G-V/G-550 chosen performance, reliability and sustainability
as the basis. This led to the ELI-3001 AISIS while keeping size and weight to a minimum. The combination of class-leading aircraft
and ELW-2085 CAEW aircraft, incorporating platform and IAI’s highly evolved mission
AESA technology. However, the G-550 be- The P600 AEW&C’s mission suite is an suite enable P600 AEW&C to deliver crucial
came unavailable for new production. IAI evolution of the operationally proven sys- capabilities in a solution that constitutes
then identified the Embraer Praetor 600 as tem first introduced in 2008 with the IAF, an ideal balance of performance, reliability,
an optimal replacement due to its compact and which has since entered service with and value.
size and performance attributes.
Embraer Defence & Security and IAI ELTA
division, established a Strategic Cooperation
Agreement to introduce the P600 AEW&C
(Airborne Early Warning & Control). In this
cooperation, IAI is to provide the AEW Digital
Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA)
radar/IFF, SIGINT (Signals Intelligence) and
other electronic systems and system inte-
gration while Embraer Defence & Security is
to provide the air platform, ground support,
communications systems and aircraft