Page 17 - DSEi JAPAN 2023 - DAY 2 | DAILY NEWS
P. 17



        BAE  Systems, which is participating in the   “We have cyber protection capability in  in service within the country includes 52
        ongoing show, wants to further enhance its   service with government agencies glob-  Amphibious Armoured Vehicles, the supply
        partnership with Japanese firms by offering   ally. Our ship design expertise is currently  of which began in 2016. Ten 40MK4 Naval
                                                                                      Guns are in service while 10 are planned in
        world class capabilities across the land,   used in Australia, the UK and Canada to   partnership with Japan Steel Works to pro-
        sea, air and cyber domain. These capa-  create the world’s most advanced anti-sub-  vide support for the Mk 45 Naval Gun. The
        bilities could be delivered in partnership   marine frigate. We are the world leader in   partnership will also enable licensed pro-
                                               electronic aircraft warfare and protection
        with Japanese companies to help develop   systems and of course a partner on the   duction on the Mk 45 Mod 4 127 mm. The
        the country’s indigenous defence indus-  GCAP programme. As a major supplier to   company also supplies Electronic Warfare
        try further, a company spokesperson told   three of Japan’s closest allies, we stand   systems, avionics, flight controls and
        Daily News prior to the start of the show.   ready to support Japan in partnership with  numerous other systems to the Japanese
                                                                                      Air Self Defence Force (JASDF) and many
        Most recently,BAE Systems partnered with   Japanese industry,” the official said  other Japan Ministry of Defence products.
        Mitsubishi  Heavy  Industries  (MHI)  and                                     BAE Systems is a also Tier one partner on
        Leonardo to deliver the Japan, UK, and  BAE Systems has had a presence in Japan  the F-35 Lightning II programme, for which
        ItalyGlobal Combat Air Programme.      for over 25 years. The company’s equipment  Japan is the largest export customer.



          RT Aerostat Systems, designer, devel-  The search and rescue system helps    The SkyStar 140 system includes an
          oper, and manufacturer of the SkyStar   in quickly locating missing and trapped   active multi-band, multi-technology IMSI
          family of aerostats, has launched SkyStar   people following any natural disaster or   catcher to trigger idle cellular phones,
                                                                                       an advanced Direction Finding/Geo-
          140, a cellular geo-location-mounted   terror incident, and in combat zones.   Location system to detect and locate
          mini-aerostat, at the ongoing show. “The   It can monitor any arena and operate   mobile signals, three low-SWaP (Size,
          new technology has helped us bring     in heavily damaged urban sites as well   Weight, and Power) passive sensors
          a precision lifesaving system to the   as in open areas affected by hurricanes   carried by three mini-tactical SkyStar
          Emergency Services sector, especially   and floods. Carried in backpacks by a   aerostat systems, and a ground control
          after the recent earthquakes in Turkey,”   team of two or by any vehicle includ-  application. Information is processed
          said CEO of RT Aerostat Systems, Rami   ing pickup trucks or ATVs, the system   and transmitted to the ground unit
          Shmueli. “The integration of the NRE   can be ready for deployment within ten   which calculates and displays a 3D
                                                                                       geo-location of the cell phone. Soaring
          systems has created an advanced solu-  minutes after arrival at the arena. The   to an altitude of 1500 ft, the high-pre-
          tion that enables situational awareness,   system is independent, not requiring   cision system is accurate within only
          rapid response, and access to any disas-  the use of local mobile networks, and   a few meters and provides long opera-
          ter arena.”                            supports all types of cellular networks.  tional endurance.

        DSEi JAPAN 2023                                                                                    MARCH-16-2023 17
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