Page 16 - DSEi JAPAN 2023 - DAY 2 | DAILY NEWS
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Xenics, developer and manufacturer in imagers or thermal weapon sights.
the world of advanced infrared imag- Xenixs, a part of Photonis group, will
ing solutions, cameras and customized demonstrate the Wildcat+, the latest
solutions, is highlighting the capabilities generation staring array high perfor-
of Dione S 1280 CAM at the ongoing mance camera that gives a unique
event. According to company officials, advantage for camouflage detection
Dione S 1280 CAM sets a new standard and surveillance in harsh environments,
including in naval applications.
in uncooled LWIR high performance
core for highly demanding applications The company’s portfolio of uncooled
such as long-range surveillance or situ- LWIR cameras and cores and SWIR
ation awareness. cameras makes it the one-stop shop
for LWIR and SWIR defence vision. All
The company is also exhibiting the ultra- products are GenICam compliant. MIPI
SWaP short latency Dione 640 CAM CSI-2, a new trend in interfacing for air-
core that meets the need for portable borne system integration, is offered for
systems such as hand-held thermal the Dione family.
British Military fast-jet company Aeralis process. company in the aerospace industry is a
and Japanese aircraft manufacturer testament to this.”
ShinMaywa will work together to establish “Application of digital transformation is
best practices in the implementation of crucial in the future aircraft manufactur- In December last year, the UK Ministry
digital engineering processes for aircraft ing,” said Katsuo Tanaka, President Aircraft of Defence had announced a £9 million
design and manufacturing. ShinMaywa, Division at ShinMaywa. “This collaboration contract with Aeralis. The company will
which makes the US-2 Flying Boat used by is the first step towards future programmes provide digital engineering services to the
the Japan Maritime Self Defence Force, has and it contributes to enforcement of our MoD which is intent on benefiting from
the company’s approach to digital aircraft
extensive aerostructures experience and aircraft manufacturing business.” “Today’s design, engineering and manufacturing.
wants to introduce full digital engineering signing between AERALIS and ShinMaywa The company has developed a system to
processes in its workflow. The two compa- represents a significant step in the future of reduce the time and cost of developing its
nies will start working together immediately aviation design and international collabo- fighter jets. Japan and the U.K. are also
to find ways to incorporate digital engineer- ration,” said Aeralis CEO, Tristan Crawford. working together, along with Italy, on the
ing processes into ShinMaywa’s aircraft “We are incredibly proud of the pioneering Global Combat Air Programme. The plan is
and AeroSystems business. Experts from work that AERALIS is doing in this space, to develop a next-generation fighter aircraft
both companies will be embedded in the and to work with such a distinguished by 2035.