Page 3 - DSEi JAPAN 2023 - DAY 3 | DAILY NEWS
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by KHI’s newly developed KJ300 twin spool
turbofan engine. The totally indigenous
missile is expected to have a range of 1000
kilometres. It will aim for low radar cross
section, high maneuverability, and high sur-
vivability in order to avoid interception by
enemy air defence systems.
“In the first stage, it is designed as a surface
launched missile, but if the need arises, we
may have a ship launched and air launched
derivatives,” Hamada explained.
Kawasaki Heavy Industry (KHI) has defence systems section, at Kawasaki Japan has been reinforcing its capability
unveiled a concept model of a long-range Heavy Industries informed. to enable operation of stand-off missiles,
surface launched cruise missile. including surface-launched and ship-
The missile is in the making for the past launched models. The government has
“The ‘island defence anti-ship missile’ is in five years and features large wings, four been encouraging local private compa-
its R&D stage. We have proposed the con- tail fins and has the engine intake below nies to secure sufficient capability toward
cept to the (Japan’s) Ministry of Defence the airframe. “The state-of-the-art design increased production of domestic stand-off
and use of composite materials are meant
and have received a favorable response. to give the missile sophisticated stealth missiles.
We will start the next stage of produc- capabilities,” Hamada said. To this end, by FY2027, Japan has decided
tion once we get the go-ahead from the to reinforce the capabilities of warning and
government,” Satoshi Hamada, manager, The subsonic cruise missile will be powered control radar and surface-to-air missiles.
JAPAN’S FIRST Japan has developed, for the first time a As part of its efforts to strengthen elec-
tronic warfare capabilities, the Japanese
counter-UAV (C-UAV) laser system that
is capable of eliminating enemy drones. government recently said that it will soon
C-UAV LASER Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, which is the start operation of vehicle-mounted laser
developer of the system, unveiled a model devices for responding to small UAVs
SYSTEM READY at the ongoing DSEI event. “The CUAV was and take measures for early deployment
conceptualised three years back and cur- of directed energy technologies such as
rently it is in its developmental stage. We high-power laser systems and high-power
have one prototype ready,” the company’s microwaves (HPM).
spokesman Masahiko Shimizu informed.
The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has bud-
As part of the weapon trials, the system geted 2.8 billion yen (US$20 million) in
recently used 20 kW (10kWx2) laser beams research spending for the counter-drone
to shoot down two UAVs. “The aim of devel- technology this fiscal year, and has allo-
oping the system is to increase the mobility cated 500 million yen for research on
of counter-drone technology. The system, microwaves to be used in counter-drone
which can detect and destroy a drone from systems. The government expects the
up to 1.5 kilometres, can be mounted on technology to be established by 2024.
a vehicle, and we have plans to make it “We are working closely with the Ministry
adaptable to ships and aircraft,” he added. of Defence and we are ready to start pro-
“We are also aiming to have a multi-target duction as soon as we get the orders from
module.” the government,” the spokesman added.
Editorial Director Arun Sivasankaran Art Director
Vittorio Rossi Prudente Sudheesh Kularmunda
Editorial Team Sales Director
Jay Menon Gordon Arthur Akshay Satyamurthy
DSEi JAPAN 2023 MARCH-17-2023 3