Page 5 - DSEi JAPAN 2023 - DAY 3 | DAILY NEWS
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with advanced C4I capabilities leveraging a
                                                                                      unique open-architecture ASGVA-compliant
                                                                                      Integral Computing System. The Hawkei
                                                                                      vehicle was possibly the first vehicle in
                                                                                      the world, built to be digitally wired, which
                                                                                      means it was designed to integrate vari-
                                                                                      ous new digital systems in a far more
                                                                                      seamless manner than possible before. In
                                                                                      older vehicles, a lot of time is spent trying
                                                                                      to integrate and reconfigure new systems
                                                                                      and equipment.

                                                                                      The Hawkei is available in 2-door (3 occu-
                                                                                      pants) and 4-door (6 occupants) variants
                                                                                      and can carry a three-tonne payload.
                                                                                      According to company officials, it offers
                                                                                      unparalleled levels of ballistic and blast
                                                                                      protection and is transportable via the
                                                                                      underslung load on a CH-47 helicopter. The
                                                                                      vehicle is powered by a Steyr 200Kw tur-
                                                                                      bo-diesel engine with an 8 speed automatic
                                                                                      transmission and can achieve a maximum
                                                                                      range of 600 km.

                                                                                      The Hawkei has a large protected air con-
        THALES HAWKEI                                                                 ditioned cabin and was designed from the
                                                                                      outset with built-in features that deliver an
        PROTECTED MOBILITY VEHICLE                                                    integrated high-performing vehicle elec-
                                                                                      tronic architecture that is GVA compliant.
        UNDERGOING TESTING IN JAPAN                                                   The Hawkei platform can be integrated

        The Thales Australia-built Hawkei next-gen-
        eration seven tonne 4X4 protected mobility
        vehicle is undergoing trials with the Japan
        Self Defence Forces. According to a source
        familiar with the matter, the Hawkei on
        display at the ongoing show is the same
        vehicle that performed the trials.

        According to company officials, the Hawkei
        is at the top end of the spectrum for light
        protected mobility vehicles and offers
        capability far exceeding that of many other
        competitors. The Hawkei can operate in
        roles such as troop carrier, command &
        control, liaison, surveillance, reconnais-
        sance, electronic warfare (EW), etc.
        The Hawkei is being considered for procure-
        ment by the Japan Ground Self-Defence
        Force (JGSDF) as a replacement for its   It joins the Australian Defence Force’s  with a wide portfolio of mission systems,
        Light Armoured Vehicle (LAV). Mitsubishi   (ADF) existing Bushmaster and Protected  delivered as “capability packages”, to allow
        Heavy Industries (MHI) is the Japanese   Medium Heavy Capability trucks to create   Hawkei to fulfill current and future defence
        partner for Thales Australia and if selected,   a suite of protected mobility vehicles. The
        will manufacture the Hawkei under license   Australian Department of Defence granting   requirements. It can be fitted with a range
        in Japan.                              approval of Initial Operational Capability to   of weapons – such as RWS 12.7 mm HMG,
                                               the Hawkei in July 2021 and is expected to   40 mm auto grenade launcher, 5.56 mm
        Komatsu, one of the manufacturers of light   reach Full Operational Capability later this   and 7.62 mm swing mounts. The armour
        armoured vehicles for the JGSDF, ended   year. The Hawkei took 7 years to develop   systems on the vehicle allow troops to
        production of these vehicles in 2019.   from a clean sheet of paper. and delivers   add or take off the armour, depending on
        The Hawkei is in service with the Australian  a balance of class-leading protection and   the environment. Hawkei is built by Thales
        armed forces, with Thales Australia, having  mobility with the payload and power to  in Bendigo, Victoria, with production sup-
        delivered all 1100 vehicles on contract.  offer Defence a truly multi-role platform  ported by many Australian suppliers.

        DSEi JAPAN 2023                                                                                    MARCH-17-2023 5
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