P. 15
Accelerated Take-Off
razilian airframer Embraer is bullish on growth pros- to deliver 65-70 aircraft this year.
pects for its commercial jetliners in the APAC region,
with a string of recent orders. Embraer is unique as With the E195 E2 we see opportunity in the
B an airframer in that it straddles the business jet and entire region. We already have Scoot from
regional transport aircraft markets and has had enduring suc- Singapore, which has ordered the E190-
cess in both segments. InSight spoke with Raul Villaron, head of E2 and I foresee Malaysia and Vietnam as
APAC , Embraer Commercial Aviation to gain a greater insight potential markets for our new jetliners. In
into the airframer’s plans. these countries, some of the airports are
restricted in that they cannot accommodate
the larger A320/737 class of aircraft. Our E2
series aircraft are a perfect fit here, airlines
Q Please elaborate on Embraer’s market prospects in the
APAC region?
Embraer has always been focussed on the market for regional
transport. We make aircraft up to 150 seats capacity and com-
pared to the larger aircraft such as the A320/737, in my view, the
latter aircraft perform totally different. They are bigger aircraft
with more seats and long range. To achieve this, these aircraft
have bigger wings, bigger landing gear, etc and so on a short
flight these aircraft burn more fuel and are more expensive to
operate. The maintenance costs are also more. Embraer aircraft
are exactly suited for regional transport with flight times ranging
from 1-3 hours and it is important to note that the E2 can still
fly up to six hours if needed. But the core of operations for our
customer is flight times of 2-3 hours, which they deliver with a
10 percent cost advantage, which is substantial.
Australia and Japan are important future markets for us as we
already have our aircraft in operation here, with nearly 50 aircraft
on order in the former market and potential for aircraft sales of
80-90 in the latter market. These are natural market for our E1 Raul Villaron
series jetliners to be replaced by the newer and more efficient
E2s. For the airlines, they will have commonality in that the E2 is Head of APAC, Embraer
a larger aircraft but their pilots can fly either type. So we see a Commercial Aviation
‘plug and play’ fit for the E2 in these markets. In total we expect