P. 17


                UNWAVERING FOCUS

            Sustainability is high on the priority list for most

                          players in the aerospace industry

                                                By Arun Sivasankaran

             f you want to know how serious the aerospace  goal of net zero by 2050 is attainable. While 46% of the
             and defence industry is in meeting the challenge  respondents believe the industry will meet its goal, 32%
             of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050,  said it will not. On average, respondents believe the
        I look no further than the results of a recent GE  target will be met by 2055. The majority of those who
        Aerospace-commissioned survey of aviation decision  took part in the survey believe advancements in both
        makers.                                               fuels and engines will play the biggest role in reach-
                                                              ing the goal. Increased sustainable aviation fuel (SAF)
        The survey, conducted in May this year by Ipsos, elicited   investment is the most important role that government
        responses from 325 top aviation executives in the U.S.,   can play in helping industry reach the 2050 goal, says
        the U.K., China, India, the UAE, and France. While 76%   the survey.
        of the respondents — who represent airlines, airfram-
        ers, and airports, among others — say that the focus  “These results show that the aviation industry is focused
        on sustainability has fundamentally changed the way  on the goal of achieving net zero CO2 emissions by
        the industry operates, 30 percent were of the view that  2050, while also recognizing the need to accelerate
        meeting aviation’s sustainability goal is the number one  efforts and ensure all key stakeholders are on the play-
        challenge the industry is facing, even over supply chain  ing field,” says Allen Paxson, vice president and general
        and labor issues.                                     manager of commercial programmes strategy for GE
        According  to  the  survey,  88  percent  of  companies
        already have a sustainability strategy in place. More   Initiatives Galore
        than 70% of those interviewed said their company’s
        sustainability strategy has an impact on how they invest   Among GE Aerospace’s sustainability initiatives is the
        and operate while 74 percent averred that their com-  CFM RISE (Revolutionary Innovation for Sustainable
        pany’s sustainability investments will be maintained or   Engines) programme, which involves CFM parent com-
        grow even in the face of inflation or recession.      panies GE and Safran Aircraft Engines. The program
                                                              involves working on a suite of new technologies such
        Tough but Attainable Goal                             as open-fan architecture to achieve at least 20 per-
                                                              cent better fuel efficiency with 20 percent lower CO2
        Even with the progress the industry is making towards  emissions than the most efficient engines today. Airbus
        green air travel, not everyone is convinced that the  is supporting RISE and will partner with CFM to carry

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