P. 16

can use these smaller aircraft to grow con-  With regards to Scoot, deliveries of their aircraft start next year
        nectivity and create new hubs in Malaysia and  and we will plan the pilot training schedule accordingly. We
        Vietnam. In other airports, not only pushing  need to ensure that the maintenance requirements for Scoot’s
        me online, but also creating new hubs in the  aircraft are met and we also need to ensure that we have all
        country. In Malaysia for example, in Subang,  the support elements in place before their start of commercial
        jet aircraft can now be operated, which is an  operations. In India, as you know, Star Air has already introduced
        opportunity to serve destinations from here  the E175 into the market and we are supporting them with all
        with a larger aircraft.                      their requirements.
        Our E2 is also a very quiet aircraft, which   For pilot training, we have flight training simulators in both Japan
        makes it very well suited to operating from   and Australia, which are serving these two important markets
        city airports which have noise restrictions. The   for us. As we grow Southeast Asia, it would make sense also to
        E2 is 70% quieter than a 737-800 for exam-   have a simulator here, so we have to evaluate the market size
        ple. We also believe there are opportunities   and when is the right time to setup this infrastructure. Some
        for Embraer in Thailand, especially for flights   customers will also go to China, where we have flight simulators
        from Koh Samui, which is an important air-   for pilot training.
        port. India is emerging as a growing market
        for us and we have Star Air which has begun  One of Embraer’s other strengths is that we have a global support
        operations  with  the  E175.  (Editor’s  Note:  network already in place. We have our bases in Brazil, USA, China,
        JettWings Airways, a new Indian regional air-  Singapore, Dubai and Europe. This is a major advantage for
        lines, announced in June, that it would begin  Embraer, when it comes to the sales of regional transport aircraft.
        operations with E175s by the end of the year).  We have a proven capability of delivering excellent customer
                                                     support to our customers and this is a real strength of Embraer.

          Q  How are you assisting new customers
          with inducting their aircraft?
                                                       Q  How is Embraer managing supply chain issues?
        We are of course very used to adding new
        customers and have a very strong process in  In my view, supply chain issues are not limited to the aerospace
        place. Our project management teams inter-   industry. It is a global issue. At Embraer, we have been less
        act with the customer airline to ensure that  impacted. We are still working very closely with our suppliers
        our delivery milestones are in sync. We ensure  to make sure that everything required for our aviation business
        that pilot training, certification related tasks  is ready on time. One of the strengths of Embraer, also is that
        are handled in a timely manner. So our teams  we are a bit more flexible as a company and more agile due to
        located in Brazil and other centres are always  our size. As a result, we have been able to better accommodate
        in close touch with our new customers and we  changes in a faster way, whenever, we see there re is a supply
        engage with them on a daily basis to make  chain issue. We have also been taking great care to ensure
        sure that aircraft begins commercial opera-  that our MRO activities to support our current customers have
                                                     remained insulated from supply chain issues.
        tions as scheduled.
        16 | PARIS AIRSHOW 2023 INSIGHTS ∙ JUNE 2023                                            WWW.GBP.COM.SG
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