P. 19
Partnering for
Ron Port, President, Aerospace, Defense & Marine with TE
Connectivity, believes the company is well positioned to play a
key role in the sustainability revolution occurring in the aerospace
industry and other industries it serves. Ron Port
President, Aerospace, Defense
“TE Connectivity’s purpose is to create a safer, sustainable, pro- & Marine with TE Connectivity
ductive and connected future,” he says. “Sustainability is one of
the key elements that we get excited about and where we focus
our innovation.” TE Connectivity’s purpose is to create a safer,
sustainable, productive and connected future.
The company, which designs and manufactures connectors and Sustainability is one of the key elements that
sensors for multiple industries, is at the Show, displaying its we get excited about and where we focus our
technologies and products that enable the connectivity and elec- innovation. For this reason, we have refreshed
trification of modern aircraft, rockets and satellites. our One Connected World strategy to push
ourselves further in our commitments covering
Q Does this year’s edition, the first one in the post-pandemic our impact to the world, our people and our
period, hold special significance for TE Connectivity? products, as well as governance — holding our-
The Paris Air Show is a biennial, highly visible global event that selves accountable and challenging ourselves
to do more.
creates a unique opportunity for TE Connectivity to reach our aero-
space customers directly, compared to our day-to-day interactions. In 2022, we achieved a 34 percent reduction in
As the world’s leading aerospace exhibition, the Show is our most Scope 1 and 2 emissions, increased the number
important venue for demonstrating our market capabilities. We of sites using renewable energy from 37 to
are excited to be back at the show and recognize that the industry 80 (which now accounts for more than half
continues to value face-to-face interactions. our energy use globally), and reduced total
Q What are some of the major capabilities and products that water withdrawal since 2020 by 15 percent.
you have brought to the Show? After making substantial progress toward our
2030 sustainability goals, we have now further
As a connectivity partner, TE Connectivity takes pride in display- strengthened our commitment to reduce the
ing our cutting-edge technologies and products that enable the company’s environmental impact. We have
connectivity and electrification of modern aircraft, rockets and raised our goal to reduce Scope 1 and Scope
satellites. In an era when even conventional aircraft are becoming 2 emissions, those directly generated by TE, by
increasingly electric and data-driven, our connectors and sensors 70 percent by 2030 (against a 2020 baseline).
will play a key role in delivering on the promise of advanced air The company is committed to meaningfully
mobility including electric vertical-takeoff-and-landing (EVTOL) reducing its emissions to help mitigate global
vehicles. climate change. We continuously and strategi-
Q Now that the industry has recovered from the pandemic, cally monitor energy use at our sites to identify
how high are your expectations for the various business areas where investment will have the most impact.
of your company in 2023? We have focused on strengthening operat-
ing standards, investing in our infrastructure
Fiscal year 2022 was marked by economic transitions and cross (such as compressors, lighting and heating,
currents that made for a complex global macro environment. In ventilation and air condition (HVAC) systems),
the face of these challenges, TE Connectivity continued to adapt evaluating our manufacturing processes and
and post strong results due to the strategic position of our port- energy reduction opportunities, and procuring
folio and the ingenuity of our global teams. What’s important is renewable energy.
that we balance what we need to do in the near term to secure
our long-term future. Uncertainty and transition always present Throughout fiscal years 2021 and 2022, we
opportunities, and TE is well positioned to play a key role in the completed 175 energy reduction projects,
sustainability revolution occurring in many of the industries we resulting in savings of 42 million kilowatt hours
serve — from transportation to the power grid. (kWh) and 19,000 metric tons of CO equiv-
alent (mtCO ). The kWh reduction is roughly
Q How focused is your company on sustainability? What are equivalent to an entire year’s electricity at our
some of the initiatives in that area? supersite in Mexico.