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plan, multi-year contract savings in acquisi-  Chinook for the next 40-50 years.
        tion and economies of scale in supply chain

        We’re honored Germany selected the CH-47F      Q  How is Boeing partnering with industry in Europe?
        Block II Chinook for its future heavy-lift heli-  As a global aerospace and defense leader, we continue our
        copter requirements. Germany will operate    decades-long commitment to supporting Europe and NATO’s mis-
        the  most  affordable,  proven  and  NATO    sions through current and new capabilities that lay the foundation
        interoperable heavy-lift helicopter. We look   for future-proofing the Alliance and doing it through industrial
        forward to working with the U.S. and German   partnerships. We believe that close collaboration between indus-
        governments to finalize this sale under the   try and government will empower transformative gains in key
        Foreign Military Sales process. Together with   areas, ensuring collective security and sustainable resilience.
        our Chinook Deutschland Industry Team, we    For almost half a century, Boeing has worked with more than 40
        are committed to delivering maximum opera-   countries around the world to successfully complete industrial
        tional availability to the German Bundeswehr   engagement programs totaling close to US$55 billion. These
        for decades to come.                         programs have delivered significant benefits to these economies

        We are positioned to support German con-     and communities by establishing aerospace and defense supply
        figuration requirements at aircraft delivery,   chains and services infrastructure, creating jobs and enabling
        to include air-to-air refueling (AAR) as well.   prosperity. We are doing that in Europe and will continue to build
        Today,  the  new  build  CH-47  and  MH-47’s   on the enduring legacy we have established so far.
        aircraft share a common fuselage (the nose,
        main body and tail section). The AAR system
        and components are battle tested, proven,      Q   On  the  Commercial  side,  what  is  the  worldwide
        off-the-shelf and readily available to support   outlook?
        customer requirements. It will only require
        some non-developmental integration of the  Boeing forecasts a global demand for 42,595 new commercial
        AAR kit. It’s a proven and cost-efficient kit that  jets by 2042, valued at US$8 trillion. New single-aisle airplanes
        can be easily integrated on to the aircraft.  will account for more than 75% of all new deliveries, up slightly
        This is not a developmental program and the  from the 2022 outlook, and totaling more than 32,000 airplanes.
        Chinook has had AAR capability since 1988.   New widebody jets will be nearly 20% of deliveries, with more
                                                     than 7,400 airplanes enabling airlines to open new markets and
        Germany will be able to use its current infra-  serve existing routes more efficiently. Air cargo will continue to
        structure, making the transition to a Chinook   outpace global trade growth, with carriers requiring 2,800 ded-
        easy and more cost effective over the life of   icated freighters. This includes more than 900 new widebodies
        the aircraft. Building on our decades-long   as well as converted narrow-body and widebody models.
        partnership with Germany, Boeing has formed
        a strong German Industry Team that will pro-  Asia-Pacific markets to represent more than 40% of global
        vide sustainment and maintenance of the  demand with half of that total in China.

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