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production of 160 aircraft.                                    The E-7 has already served as a force multi-
                                                                       plier in degraded and contested environments
        We’re proud to support many P-8 customers here in Europe. The   across the Asia-Pacific, Europe and beyond.
        Royal Norwegian Air Force (RNoAF) has taken delivery of all five   And with the aircraft in service with Australia,
        P-8A. The Norwegian P-8s are based at Evenes Air Base and have   South Korea, Turkey, and soon the United
        participated in their first winter exercise – and from what we   Kingdom, and the United States, it can be
        know, the aircraft will be put into operation later this year. They   integrated in future coalition operations.
        will join a global fleet of 160 P-8 aircraft that Boeing has deliv-
        ered to global customers, including the United States, Australia,
        India, United Kingdom, Norway and New Zealand. Deliveries to
        Germany will take place 2024. Boeing has also delivered the      Q  Poland has announced its selection
        second of six P-8As for Korea to the United States Navy. Boeing   of the AH-64Apache and Germany is
        is on contract for 128 P-8A Poseidon production aircraft for the   looking at the CH-47 Chinook. What
        U.S. Navy, UK’s Royal Air Force, Royal Norwegian Air Force, Royal   is the latest on these acquisitions and
        New Zealand Air Force, South Korea, Royal Australian Air Force,   why should these countries go with the
        Indian Navy and Germany.                                        Apache and Chinook?

                                                                       We’re excited that Poland selected the
                                                                       AH-64E Apache as its new attack helicopter
        “ The E-7 is the only mission-ready solution avail-            and look forward to the next steps in the pro-
        able to replace E-3 and provide rapid capability               cess, including the signing of a Letter of Offer
                                                                       and Acceptance.
        growth against evolving threats with NATO. The
        NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA)   The current version of the AH-64 Apache is
        has started assessment of industry bids for the                the world’s most capable and versatile attack
        replacement of the E-3A AWACS fleet and earlier                helicopter, providing Poland with the greatest
                                                                       interoperability with the U.S. Army and NATO
        this year we offered the E-7 AEW&C in response  nations. It’s the only option that possesses
        to NATO’s Initial Alliance Future Surveillance and  a radar to find and destroy targets, and it
        Control (AFSC) Capability request for informa-                 offers a host of other unique and distinguish-
        tion. With increasing demand being placed on                   ing capabilities for unparalleled lethality and
                                                                       survivability.  The Apache represents the best
        the aging fleet of E-3As, NATO must move fast to  value over its total life cycle considering the
        ensure a smooth transition to the next generation  additional capabilities not found on competi-
        AWACS to avoid a gap in this crucial capability.”              tor aircraft, its USG-supported modernization

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