Page 23 - SEOUL ADEX 2023 - DAY 1
P. 23

KAI Eyes Global Satellite Opportunities

        Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) is eyeing  the satellite body, and company officials  for a micro-satellite system development
        growing market prospects for export of sat-  say it has been evaluated as being com-  project. It has rapidly  expanded its portfolio
        ellites. The company is offering for export,  petitive in terms of cost and performance  existing medium- and large-sized satellite
        domestically  produced  next-generation  compared to other countries’ satellites of  portfolio, including multi-purpose satellites,
        medium-sized satellites and micro-satel-  the same class.                     geostationary orbit composite satellites,
        lites, which are its flagship satellites. These                               and next-generation medium-sized satel-
        satellites can accommodate a variety of  KAI’s microsatellites are also attracting  lites, to ultra-small satellites.
        payloads.                              attention in terms of their utility as they can
                                               be used for  enable rapid weather forecast-  KAI has grown into a specialized space
        KAI  is  also  looking  for  space  business  ing and disaster prevention when linked  company by actively participating in Korean
        cooperation  with  European  and  Middle  with existing medium and large satellites  government space projects over the past
        Eastern countries planning satellite proj-  based on KAI’s accumulated inter-satellite  30 years, including launch vehicle projects
        ects. According to Kim Ji-hong, Director  convergence solutions.              and mid-to-large satellite development. KAI
        of  KAI  Future  Convergence Technology                                       is also building Korea’s first private space
        Institute, “Interest in KAI’s aerospace tech-  KAI recently signed a contract with Korea’s  center equipped with a mass production
        nology is increasing due to the expansion  Agency for Defence Development (ADD)  system for satellites.
        of overseas markets for domestically pro-
        duced aircraft.” He added, “We provide a
        competitive edge to customers in Europe
        and the Middle East, where the need for
        reconnaissance  satellites  has  recently
        increased  geopolitically.”  KAI  is  aiming
        to  promote  industrialization  of  satellite
        exports through a package export strat-
        egy linking aircraft and various satellite
        platforms by utilizing its succesful aircraft
        export  marketing  know-how  and  global
        sales networks.

        KAI’s 500kg class next-generation medi-
        um-sized satellites can be equipped with
        various payloads such as optical, radar,
        infrared, and hyperspectral instruments on

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