Page 19 - SEOUL ADEX 2023 - DAY 1
P. 19

MBDA Highlights Meteor Missile                                                weapon is also equipped with data link
                                                                                      communication.  Aimed  at  meeting  the
        on KF-21, Relationship with Korea                                             needs of a network centric environment,
                                                                                      Meteor can be operated using third party
                                                                                      data, enabling the Meteor user – the pilot –
                                                                                      to have the most flexible weapon system.

                                                                                      KAI and MBDA are also working together to
                                                                                      integrate MBDA’s Mistral ATAM helicopter
                                                                                      air-to-air missile onto the KAI MAH helicop-
                                                                                      ter of the Republic of Korea Marine Corp.
                                                                                      MBDA has a long history of co-operation
                                                                                      with  Korea  via  MBDA’s  stake  in Taurus
                                                                                      Systems GmbH on the Taurus deep strike
                                                                                      cruise missile that arms Korea’s F-15 strike

                                                                                      The  company  is  also  exhibiting  many
                                                                                      other potent missile systems at the Show.
        Missile  manufacturer  MBDA  is  work-  to the missile’s unique ramjet that powers   These  include  its  ASRAAM  air  combat
        ing in partnership with Korea Aerospace  it to high supersonic speed throughout its   missile, Brimstone precision strike missile,
        Industries  (KAI)  to  integrate  its  Meteor  flight. This enables Meteor to chase down   Sea Venom helicopter-launched anti-ship
        Beyond  Visual  Range  Air-to-Air  Missile  and out-manoeuvre hostile fighters unlike   missile, Sky Warden counter-UAV system,
        (BVRAAM) system onto KF-21 Boramae  any other missile.                        SPEAR  miniature  cruise  missile  and
        fighter aircraft. Flight and launch tests are                                 SPEAR-EW electronic warfare effector.
        already underway.                      Guided by an advanced active radar seeker,
                                               Meteor provides all weather capability to
        At the Show, one of MBDA’s highlights is  engage a wide variety of targets from agile  MBDA  has  seen  a  significant  uptick  in
        the  Meteor  missile  on  KF-21  Boramae.   fast jets to small unmanned aerial vehicles  demand for their products in recent times.

        According to company officials, Meteor pro-  and cruise missiles. It is designed to meet  It recorded an “all time” high annual order
        vides a many times larger no-escape zone  the most stringent of requirements and  intake of US$9.5 billion for 2022, which was
        and a higher kill probability than any other  can operate in the most severe of clutter  a 76 per cent increase over the US5.4 billion
        missile. The unparalleled lethality is due  and countermeasure environments. The  it recorded in 2021.

        Aircraft Demonstrations to                                                    military assets that are either taking part
                                                                                      in the demonstrations or being exhibited
        Generate Plenty of Excitement                                                 are KF-21 Boramae, the F-35, FA-50 light
                                                                                      attack aircraft, K2 battle tanks and K9A1
                                                                                      self-propelled howitzers.
        For South Korean defence firms and interna-  highlight as the new products and innova-  The list of fixed wing aircraft at the Show
        tional companies, the focus is undoubtedly  tive technologies that are on display.  is  long  and  includes  the  Global  6500,
        on furthering their business prospects by                                     F-4E,  F-5E,  F-15K,  F-16C,  F-22,  F-35A,
        catching the attention of military leaders  Over the next few days, fighter jets and   FA-50, P-8A, F-51D, KF-16, KF-21, KC-135,
        and heads of procurement agencies that  other advanced military aircraft will take   KC-330, KT-1, and KA-1. Among the other
        are attending the Show. For many visitors,  to the skies, adding excitement to the cur-  aircraft being exhibited are A-10, AC-130,
        aircraft demonstrations and exhibition of  rent edition of the Show that is the biggest  B-1B,  Buhwal-ho,  C-5,  C-17,  C-130H/J,
        advanced military assets are as much a  since its inception. Among the aircraft and  CN-235M, DA-40NG, E-3C, E-737, EA-18G,
                                                                                      F-86F, HS-748, ICON A5, P-8A, PAV SMX-1,
                                                                                      TA-50, T-50, and T-50B. Visitors will also
                                                                                      be able to spot the AH-64E, CH-47D, KUH-
                                                                                      1(Surion), HH-32, HH-60W, HH-60, LAH,
                                                                                      MUH-1(Marineon), and the UH-60 at the
                                                                                      Show. The RQ-4, MQ-1C Gray Eagle, Rifle
                                                                                      Shooting UAV, Grenade Launching UAV,
                                                                                      Military  Cargo  UAV,  RQ-02K,  Remo  and
                                                                                      UCAV (KAL) are also at the event.

                                                                                      The  ground  assets  being  exhibited  at
                                                                                      the Show include M1135 NBCRV, M270
                                                                                      MLRS, AN/TWQ-1 Avenger, K2, K21, K808,
                                                                                      K877, AVLB), K600, LTV, 5TBV, K9A1, K10,
                                                                                      K239, KSM120, K105A1, WLR-II, K-30, K-31,
                                                                                      K332, TMCSV, TSV, EOD robot, M-SAM,
                                                                                      PAC3, KAAV, AS-21, and the Multipurpose
                                                                                      Unmanned Vehicle.

        SEOUL ADEX 2023                                                                                  OCTOBER-17-2023 19
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