Page 21 - SEOUL ADEX 2023 - DAY 1
P. 21

Leonardo Promotes AW101 and AW189

                      Helicopters, Defence Electronics

        Italian defence conglomerate Leonardo is  The AW101 is by design able to operate  Korea Coast Guard and several regional
        hoping to grow its already extensive foot-  in extreme weather conditions. It is fitted  fire services, the AW119K for the Korean
        print in South Korea.                  with a de-icing system and rated to operate  National  Police  and  the  GrandNew  and
                                               in temperatures ranging between −45 and  AW169 for Emergency Medical Services
        The company, which has its AW159 heli-  +50 °C. The aircraft’s control systems allow   (EMS) operations.
        copter currently in service with the Republic   the AW101 to maintain a stable hover in 74
        of Korea Navy, is showcasing the AW101   km/h (40 kn) crosswinds. The AW101 is a   The AW189 is the superior multi-mission
                                                                                      solution for today’s demanding operations,
        and  AW189  helicopters  at  the  event.   medium-lift helicopter used for a range of   combining exceptional payload and range
        Another major area of focus at the show is   applications by several countries includ-  with outstanding technology and safety.
        the RAT31 DL/M radar, a L-band solid-state   ing the UK, Italy and Canada, and has been   The type has proven extremely successful
        3D surveillance radar, designed to protect   ordered by Norway in a search-and-rescue   not only in the energy support market but
        large portions of territory thanks to its wide   configuration  that  includes  Leonardo’s   also in the public service one for search
        range. Leonardo is also looking to support   Osprey AESA radar. The multi-role helicop-  and rescue, MEDEVAC, firefighting, disaster
                                               ter is capable of performing a wide range
        key Korean partners with export opportu-  of roles including specialized roles like air-  relief and law enforcement and has already
        nities and to work with local partners to   borne mine counter measures, amphibious   been chosen by several operators in Asian
        expand the support network in Korea for   support and transport.              countries for these roles.
        its fleet of helicopters.
                                                                                      The RAT31 DL/M radar, a L-band solid-state
                                               The AW189 is Leonardo’s latest twin-en-  3D surveillance radar, is part of a family of
        With many of Korea’s key civil and military   gined, super-medium helicopter for civil and  long-range systems with surveillance, air
        forces operating a wide range of Leonardo   public service applications. The company is  defence, and missile capabilities, including
        equipment, the company is confident that   a main helicopter partner of Korea, having  ballistic missiles, in support of homeland
        the AW101 and AW189 will find takers in the   previously also provided the Super Lynx for   security and operational missions. The RAT
        country and the overall region. The AW101   the RoK Navy, the AW139 helicopter for the   31 DL/M can adapt to the challenges posed
        embodies advanced design and technology                                       by a broad range of operational scenarios,
        coupled with long range and endurance,                                        including those where it has to face jam-
        thus providing operational persistence for                                    ming and heavy clutter at the same time.
        all missions. The versatility of the AW101                                    Its highly reliable technology allows for a
        platform  and  a  full  range  of  on-board                                   “graceful degradation, meaning that even
        equipment allow operators to configure                                        if some modules fail, the radar sustains its
        the helicopter for a wide range of roles                                      overall performance.
        including Maritime, Battlefield/Personnel                                     Leonardo has sold over 70 RAT 31 (Fixed
        Recovery and SAR. This mission versatility,                                   and Mobile version) in 18 countries world-
        combined with the most spacious cabin in                                      wide. The radar is a crucial component of
        its class featuring large side sliding doors                                  NATO’s air defence capabilities. Its  archi-
        and rear access ramp, makes the AW101                                         tecture  meets  the  Alliance  standards,
        the most advanced, flexible and capable                                       enabling full interoperability during multi-
        multi-role helicopter available today.                                        national missions.
        SEOUL ADEX 2023                                                                                  OCTOBER-17-2023 21
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