Page 22 - SEOUL ADEX 2023 - DAY 1
P. 22
Embraer Looking for
Inroads into Korean Market
Brazilian airframer Embraer, which is par- percent, demonstrating exceptional pro- Seoul Regional Office of Aviation, Flight
ticipating in the ongoing show, is eyeing ductivity for an aircraft in this segment. Inspection Center.Embraer signed a con-
opportunities in Korea for its commercial Embraer’s Defence & Security products tract with Aerodata AG, from Germany in
aviation, defence and Urban Air Mobility and solutions are present in more than May 2021 for the sale of the aircraft, which
(UAM) businesses. “We are honoured 60 countries, also include the A-29 Super will be converted by the latter into a Flight
to be at ADEX, and we look forward to Tucano light attack and training aircraft, in Inspection Aircraft.
growing our relations with the Korean cus- addition to broader solutions for air, land, Urban Air Mobility
tomers and Korea’s broader aerospace sea, and space domains.
community,” said Bosco da Costa Junior, Korea’s first Urban Air Mobility (UAM) ser-
vice provider, Moviation recently signed a
President & CEO of Embraer Defence & Commercial Letter of Intent (LOI) with Eve Air Mobility
Security, prior to the start of the show. Embraer is promoting its E190-E2 com- to purchase Eve’s Urban ATM solution. Eve’s
mercial jet which it says has the technical
Defence capabilities to support Korea’s national Urban ATM solution id based on existing air
Embraer is confident of its chances with objective of intra-country connectivity. The traffic control software for piloted, passen-
ger carrying aircraft and provides services
its C-390 Millennium multi-role military E190-E2 offers the advantages of proven for air navigation service providers, urban
transport aircraft, which is competing short runway performance and the range authorities, fleet operators, vertiport oper-
in the Large Transport Aircraft (LTA) II to serve routes of up to seven hours. ators and other UAM stakeholders.
Programme being run by Korea’s Defence
Acquisition Programme Administration Earlier this year in May, Embraer demon- “South Korea is one of the first countries
(DAPA) for a Republic of Korea Air Force strated the capabiltiy of the E190-E2 by to begin laying the groundwork for Urban
(ROKAF) requirement. Embraer signed performing a demonstration flight in Air Mobility and this collaboration with
several MOUs with Korean aerospace Gyeongsangbuk-do, flying from Pohang Moviation will help demonstrate the value
companies ASTG (Aerospace Technology Airport, over Ulleung-do Island, and of Urban ATM technology to safely begin
of Global), EMK (EM Korea Co.) and Kencoa back. The aircraft performed a simulated and scale UAM operations in Korea,” said
Aerospace in October 2022 to strengthen short runway landing at Pohang Airport, David Rottblatt, vice president of sales and
its collaboration with Korean defence which has a runway distance of 1,066 government affairs at Eve Air Mobility.
industry partners for the future supply of metres. Carrying over 80 guests on board, Eve’s Urban ATM (Air Traffic Management)
parts for the Embraer C-390 Millennium the aircraft still had sufficient fuel for the concept has been adopted as part of
Korea’s K-UAM Grand Challenge. The
aircraft. The C-390 is rapidly redefining subsequent onward flight from Pohang to Challenge is a phased demonstration pro-
the standards of tactical transport in the Seoul. This outstanding short runway per- gramme in which UAM vehicle safety and
world defence market and is operational formance capability uniquely positions the traffic management solutions are tested
with the Brazilian Air Force, with orders E190-E2 as the only narrowbody aircraft in urban conditions and environments for
from Portugal, Hungary, the Netherlands that can access a 1,200 metre runway, rain suitability to support the commercializa-
and Austria. or shine, such as the new Ulleung-do Island tion of UAM in 2025. “Both companies will
Airport which is scheduled for completion be committed to contributing to the global
The Brazilian Air Force’s existing C-390 by December 2025. The state-of-the-art advancement of the UAM industry through
fleet is demonstrating operational avail- Praetor 600 business jet has also been the UATM systematic accumulation and
ability rates of 80 percent and mission acquired by South Korea’s Ministry of dissemination of data,” said Min Shin, CEO
accomplishment rates in excess of 99 Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT), at Moviation.