Page 10 - SEOUL ADEX 2023 - DAY 1
P. 10

Textron Systems

                                                                    Eyes Customers

                                                                    in Region for



        Textron  Systems  is  confident  that  its  agile “shore to shore” operations in chal-  Navigating  landforms  with  a  variety  of
        Ship-to-Shore Connector (SSC) will earn  lenging amphibious environments.     terrains, many of which have limited infra-
        customers in the Indo-Pacific region.                                         structure,  the  SSC  provides  seamless
                                                                                      transportation between islands, enhancing
        The  state-of-the-art  amphibious  vehicle   The SSC has been proven to safely navigate   connectivity and strategic reach. By provid-
        is designed to support a variety of naval   shallow waters, soft beach landings, and   ing a reliable and swift connection, the SSC
        mission sets. Developed as a replacement   even debris-laden areas. The air cushioned   enables more efficient resource allocation,
        for the legacy Landing Craft Air Cushion   hull allows it to withstand harsh weather   improved defence capabilities, and faster
        (LCAC), which has delivered decisive mar-  conditions  and  rugged  coastal  terrains,   collaboration during joint military exercises.
        itime capability to users in the region such   offering unparalleled adaptability for navi-
        as the Japanese Maritime Defence Force  gating the Indo-Pacific’s waterways.  To ensure seamless integration and opti-
        over more than three decades, the SSC                                         mal utilization of the SSC, Textron Systems
        is designed with numerous technological   The  SSC  can  be  used  for  humanitarian   offers comprehensive training programs
        advancements to reach 80% of the world’s   and disaster relief. With its ability to trans-  to  operators  and  maintainers. The  pro-
        coastlines, in even the most logistically   port 74 tons of payload, users can deliver   grams equip personnel with the necessary
        contested environments.                                                       knowledge  and  skills  to  maximize  the
                                               essential equipment, vehicles, aid supplies   SSC’s  potential.  Foreign  military  sales
        According to company officials, the SSC   and personnel over both land and water.   customers can request access to the U.S.
        has a payload capacity of 74 tons, the abil-  SSC technology is developed to continue   Navy’s comprehensive SSC sustainment
        ity to maintain a speed of 35 knots at Sea   the tested and proven humanitarian relief   programs upon procurement of the craft,
        State 3 and requires only a four-person   efforts of the legacy LCAC.  Utilized in the   thereby receiving hands-on field support
        crew. Built with corrosion-resistant alumi-  aftermath of natural disasters, the legacy   and training in-country, spares and parts
        num and four gas turbine engines, the SSC   LCAC demonstrated its ability to reach iso-  replacement, and configuration manage-
        can reach even the most underdeveloped   lated communities, deliver immediate relief   ment to significantly reduce the lifetime
        shorelines and has the power to provide  and facilitate evacuations.          maintenance cost of the craft.

        Hanwha Ocean to

        Develop Energy System

        for Korean Unmanned

        Submarine Project

        Korea’s Hanwha Ocean recently announced  unmanned  submarine  with  a  hydrogen  The company has stated that it has already
        that  it  has  been  officially  selected  by  fuel cell system. As per the ADD contract,  begun developing an unmanned submarine
        Korea’s Agency for Defence Development  Hanwha  Ocean  will  develop  the  tech-  using its submarine construction capabil-
        (ADD) as the preferred bidder for develop-  nology for the energy source of the new   ities, which are recognized as having the
        ing an energy source system for a Korean  multi-purpose modular unmanned subma-  best  technology  in  the  industry.  It  has
                                                                                      extensive experience in development of
        armed unmanned submarine project.      rine, produce prototypes for performance   Air-Independent Propulsion (AIP) and fuel
                                               verification, and provide design verification   cell systems, in addition to design and man-
        Hanwha  Ocean  is  participating  in  the  support and testing support services nec-  ufacturing capabilities for these important
        development of a multi-purpose modular  essary for this.                      systems.
        10  OCTOBER-17-2023                                                                    WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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