Page 4 - SEOUL ADEX 2023 - DAY 3
P. 4

...Cont’d from PG 1

        On the opening day of the ongoing Show,  systems for the Korean military, the com-  capable of conducting precision strikes on
        representatives of the country’s Ministry of  pany has been successful in recent years  critical targets hundreds of kilometers away.
        Defence looked on as Indonesian company  in finding international customers for its  The KGGB is a smart bomb system that is
        PT Republikorp sign a Strategic Partnership  products, with the UAE the most high-profile  compatible with various airborne platforms.
        agreement with LIG Nex1 for missile sys-  customer.                           It is designed to conduct precision strikes
        tems. According to LIG Nex1, the deal firms                                   from long distances with day-and-night and
        up cooperation between the two sides in                                       all-weather capability.
        the field of strategic technology exchange,   At the Show, the defence firm is showcas-
        including those related to Korea’s Raybolt   ing many of its products and capabilities,   LIG Nex1 is highlighting its precision guided
        anti-tank guided missile system (ATGM).   including the Korean GPS Guided Bomb   weapons such as the mid-range surface-
        The partnership is expected to enhance   (KGGB) and Korean Air-Launched Cruise   to-air missile (M-SAM) block II, also called
        Republikorp’s capabilities to produce tech-  Missile (KALCM), along with land-based   Cheongung II, and the portable surface-to-air
        nologically advanced and high value military   weapon systems including Raybol, and a   missile, Shingung. These weapons are in
        equipment such as guided missiles.     drone system.                          demand internationally.  Also at the Show is
                                                                                      the company’s airborne active electronically
        LIG Nex1 has a diverse product range that  In development, the KALCM will be the first   scanned array (AESA) radar, which is capa-
        includes missiles, guided munitions, surveil-  indigenously produced airborne guided mu-  ble of detecting, identifying and tracking
        lance and reconnaissance radar systems.  nition to be mounted on KAI’s KF-21 fighter  multiple targets simultaneously in the air
        One of the largest suppliers of weapon  jet. According to company officials, it is  and on the ground.

        India Comes to the Party with First National Pavilion

        Buoyed by international interest in their
        products and growing India-South Korea
        ties, three Indian companies – Gliders India,
        Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders and Armoured
        Vehicles Nigam – are showcasing their
        capabilities at the Show as part of India’s
        national Pavilion.

        Gliders India, a state-owned defence compa-
        ny that has its headquarters in Kanpur, was
        established in 2021 as part of the restruc-
        turing of the Ordnance Factory Board into
        seven different Public Sector Undertakings.
        The company primarily manufactures mil-
        itary parachutes, for the use of the Indian
        Armed Forces and foreign militaries, as well
        as floats and inflatable boats. The company
        is exhibiting at ADEX for the first time.  been focusing on exporting our products.  considerable export success, said Company
                                               We have received six export orders since  Chief Manager Geeta Sunatkari. “We build
        “All Gliders India products are completely  then. We are getting repeat orders from  warships and submarines, missile boats,
        indigenous, with no foreign content at all,”  international customers as well.”  and corvettes. We have exported as many as
        said V K Tiwari, Gliders India Chairman and                                   243 vessels to countries such as Singapore,
        Managing Director. “Our customers until   In the last two years, the company has   Bahamas, Indonesia and Mauritius. Another
        2021 were the Indian Army, Navy and the   supplied products to countries such as   recent customer was Netherlands.”
        Air Force. Over the last two years, we have   Malaysia, Vietnam Bulgaria and Indonesia,
                                               said Pratiksha Saini, Gliders India Joint  The company is currently working on intro-
                                               General Manager. “Our products are re-  ducing new products such as a drone for
                                               nowned for their quality as what we pro-  mine neutralization, said Deepak Sharma,
                                               duce is life-saving equipment. In addition  Company Chief Manager. The prototype
                                               to their excellent quality, our products are  of a midget submarine is currently being
                                               considerably less expensive than that of  tested, he added.
                                               our competitors. We have partnerships
                                               with companies in other countries and are   Armoured Vehicles Nigam manufactures
                                               now in discussions with prospective new   armored fighting vehicles, main battle tanks
                                               international partners.”
                                                                                      and their engines. Some of its main products
                                                                                      are the Arjun Main battle tank, T-90. T-72
                                               Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders has enjoyed  and BMP-2 Sarath.

        4  OCTOBER-19-2023                                                                     WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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