Page 6 - SEOUL ADEX 2023 - DAY 3
P. 6

Supernal and Korean Air Partner for                                           Supernal’s eVTOL vehicle and AAM infra-
                                                                                      structure networks.
        Development of AAM Vehicles and                                               “A core part of our strategy to advance

        Operational Ecosystem                                                         Advanced Air Mobility is the need for robust
                                                                                      collaboration and partnerships with industry
                                                                                      leaders like Korean Air,” said Jaiwon Shin,
        Supernal, Hyundai Motor Group’s Advanced  The companies will engage in a variety of  president of Hyundai Motor Group and CEO
        Air Mobility (AAM) company, has announced  activities as part of the partnership, includ-  of Supernal. “Korean Air’s expertise in build-
        a strategic partnership with Korean Air to  ing exchanging technical data and jointly  ing scalable aviation systems, together with
        help accelerate the design of an electric   participating in workshops and programmes  Supernal’s vision for mobility, will help usher
        vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) vehicle   to help develop an AAM ecosystem that will   in this exciting new era of air travel and
        and the development of the AAM ecosystem   support safe eVTOL operations. As part   bring us closer to global AAM operations.”
        in Korea.
                                               of the agreement, Korean Air will provide
        The collaboration adds to a growing list of  insights about Korean-market requirements   The ways in which Korea plans to operate
        Supernal partnerships that are advancing  and AAM aircraft specifications, informing   AAM in the country highlight the importance
        its mission to make AAM an efficient and  Supernal’s product and market development   of the partnership. The Korean government
        reliable option for everyday transportation  strategies. The companies will also explore   plans to utilize 5G and LTE mobile commu-
        needs.                                 ways to effectively test the operation of   nication capabilities to enable the seamless
                                                                                      flow of information and communication by
                                                                                      pilots. The government also plans to create
                                                                                      dedicated AAM operating corridors sepa-
                                                                                      rate from helicopters and other low-level
                                                                                      airspace users. These corridors will be cus-
                                                                                      tomized for safe and efficient flight between
                                                                                      vertiports, maximizing the efficiency of
                                                                                      AAM routes and minimizing any interaction
                                                                                      between eVTOL and other aircraft types.

                                                                                      As South Korea’s largest airline, Korean
                                                                                      Air has been a key player in developing the
                                                                                      country’s aviation industry and is expect-
                                                                                      ed to do the same for AAM, including by
                                                                                      providing input to Supernal on passenger
                                                                                      experience and operations.

        Elbit Systems Promotes the JHMCS/Targo Family

        The Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System                                        rehearse, fly and debrief using their personal
        (JHMCS)/Targo Family is one of the many                                       helmets. This provides them with increased
        capabilities that Elbit Systems has brought                                   situational awareness, safety levels and
        to the ongoing Show.                                                          operational abilities. According to the com-
                                                                                      pany, Targo is available in a stand-alone
        The JHMCS/Targo Family is the helmet                                          configuration or fully integrated with the
        mounted system of choice for fixed wing                                       aircraft’s avionics, including the Embedded
        aircraft. It is operational on a number of                                    Virtual Avionics (EVA) training solution.
        fighter jets including the KF-21,F-15,F-15K,
        F-16, KF-16, F-18, F-35, Rafale F3R, and                                      The company is also showcasing SkyStriker,
        Gripen E/F.                                                                   an autonomous loitering munition (LM) that
                                                                                      can locate, acquire and strike operator des-
        The Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System                                        ignated targets with a 5 or 10 Kg warhead in-
        (JHMCS) is a product of RCEVS, a joint ven-                                   stalled inside the fuselage. Capable of long-
        ture between Elbit Systems and Rockwell                                       range precise tactical strikes, SkyStriker
        Collins. It provides the pilot with “first look,                              provides maneuverable troops and Special
        first shoot” high off-boresight weapons                                       Forces with direct-fire aerial-precision ca-
        engagement capabilities. The system, also                                     pabilities, enhancing situational awareness
        available in a night configuration, enables  While JHMCS II is light weight, with minimal  and survivability.  In September this year,
        the pilot to accurately cue onboard weapons  installation footprint, the D-JHMCS delivers  the company announced that it had been
        and sensors against enemy aircraft and  advanced video and color capabilities both  awarded a US$95 million contract to supply
        ground targets without the need to aggres-  for day and night missions. TARGO II HMS  SkyStriker to a European country. As part
        sively turn the aircraft or place the target in  technology transmits aircraft avionics to  of the contract Elbit Systems will provide
        the Head-Up Display (HUD) for designation.  the pilot’s helmet, enabling pilots to plan,  several hundred SkyStriker units.
        6  OCTOBER-19-2023                                                                     WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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