Page 5 - SEOUL ADEX 2023 - DAY 3
P. 5

EW operators. Scorpius-T’s capabilities are
                                                                                      unprecedented, with scenarios to challenge
                                                                                      fourth- and fifth generation fighter aircraft.
                                                                                      The system can simultaneously engage
                                                                                      multiple trainee aircraft with an array of
                                                                                      threat patterns, emulating the threat’s full
                                                                                      operational sequence: from search, acqui-
                                                                                      sition and track, to launch.

                                                                                      Scorpius-N (ELL-8256SB) is  powerful
                                                                                      shipborne EW suite combining advanced
                                                                                      Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) and
                                                                                      Electronic Support Measures (ESM) capa-
                                                                                      bilities. Scorpius-N efficiently jams multiple
                                                                                      emitters, including the newest generation
                                                                                      low probability-of-intercept radar systems
                                                                                      and missile RF seekers, creating a protective
                                                                                      hemisphere around naval forces. Scorpius-N
                                                                                      also employs  “Intelligent ESM” technology
                                                                                      to generate an automatic Electronic Order of
                                                                                      Battle (EOB), including emitter classification,
                                                                                      and deliver a comprehensive situational
                                                                                      awareness picture of the electromagnetic
        Scorpius - A Quantum                                                          Scorpius technology allows for exception-

        Leap in Electronic Warfare                                                    ally high EW performance in a small form
                                                                                      factor – advantages that enabled the devel-
                                                                                      opment of the Scorpius-EJ (ELL-8251SB)
                                                                                      and Scorpius-SPJ (ELL-8222SB) systems
                                                                                      for deployment from aircraft.
        Increasingly sophisticated threats are ap-  Leveraging AESA’s exceptional sensitivity,
        pearing on the ground, at sea, and in the air.  Scorpius systems can detect and track
        Examples include long-range air defence  advanced threats such as low probabili-  Scorpius Escort Jammer (EJ), the larger of
        radars, high speed anti-ship missiles, and  ty-of-intercept (LPI) radars and long-range  the two, is designed to suppress all types of
        aerial imaging radars. Electronic Warfare  targets. Furthermore, with its superior ERP,  air surveillance and fire control radars, cre-
        (EW) plays a vital role in the effort to provide  Scorpius disrupts and degrades enemy  ating a safe corridor along a mission flight
        protection but in many cases the legacy  radars with unparalleled effect. Scorpius  path, even in dense emitter environments.
        systems deployed are of limited use.   effectively protects assets against modern  Scorpius-EJ covers a wide frequency range
                                               airborne, shipborne and land-based threats,  and provides 360° coverage. Multi-beam
        To counter these threats, IAI, has leveraged   including fire-control radars, search radars,  electronic steering is used for simultaneous
        its five-decade rich technological heritage to   active missile seekers, and imaging radars.  jamming of multiple threats. The system
        field the revolutionary Scorpius family of EW   Meet the Family               is installed as an external pod on fighter,
        systems, which offer unmatched electronic                                     support, and transport aircraft, and internal
        protection and attack capabilities.    The Scorpius family comprises the      installation is also available.
                                               land-based Scorpius-G EW System and
                                               Scorpius-T Threat Emulator for EW training;
        Staring Multibeam AESA –               the naval EW System, Scorpius-N; and two   The little brother, Scorpius-SPJ, with its
        A Game Changing Technology             airborne systems, Scorpius SPJ for self-pro-  high sensitivity target detection and ability
                                               tection, and Scorpius EJ for escort jamming.  to transmit narrowly focused high-pow-
        The Scorpius systems are based on fully                                       er directional beams, provides advanced
        digital, staring, multibeam Active Electronic  Scorpius-G (ELL-8256SB) is a ground-  protection to individual aircraft.  Mounted
        Scanning Array (AESA) technology.  Wide-  based EW system for long-range Electronic  within ELTA’s proven, compact, lightweight,
        band, solid state transceivers provides a  Countermeasures (ECM). Mounted on a rug-  low drag pod configuration, which is similar
        substantial increase in receiver sensitivity  ged all-terrain vehicle, Scorpius-G provides  in contour to an air-to-air missile, the sys-
        for much greater threat detection ranges,  electronic protection over a wide geographic  tem can be installed on all wing stations.
        while multibeam staring technology en-  sector – defending forces against multiple   Scorpius-SP provides the most effective
        ables simultaneous scanning of the entire  airborne and ground-based threats such   target jamming capability available today
        surrounding hemisphere. The the latest  as fire control radars, search radars, AEW   in self-protection pods.
        Gallium Nitrade (GaN) technology delivers  sensors and SAR imaging.
        higher Effective Radiated Power (ERP), en-
        abling multiple, narrow, high-power jamming  Scorpius-T (ELL-8257SB) is an electro-  The Scorpius products are proof positive
        beams to simultaneously target multiple  magnetic threat emulator that delivers di-  to deliver game-changing capabilities to
        threats.                               verse, dynamic training for aircrews and  customers worldwide.
        SEOUL ADEX 2023                                                                                  OCTOBER-19-2023 5
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