Page 3 - ADAS 2024 - DAY 3
P. 3

...Cont’d from PG 1

        During our conversation, Hariz explained
        the specifications and design flexibility of
        their latest patrol boat, which measures
        an impressive 20.2 meters in length.
        This vessel is not solely designed for
        the Philippine Coast Guard; instead,
        it is a multi-purpose craft that can be
        adapted to meet the specific needs of
        different agencies. “We did a version
        for the Philippine Coast Guard, having
        already delivered 30 boats for them us-
        ing the same platform. We still have
        around ten more boats to be delivered
        this November,” she shared. This adapt-
        ability underscores DM8’s capacity to
        cater to the diverse operational demands   reflects their commitment to building
        of the Philippine Navy, Coast Guard, and   safe, strong, and stable vessels that meet   we are comparable to, if not better than,
                                                                                  shipyards in France,” she remarked
        other agencies.                      the diverse needs of their clients.  proudly. This assertion of capability re-
        The company has also built 20 vessels  Delving into the background of DM8   inforces DM8’s commitment to delivering
        for the Bureau of Customs and 22 boats  Composites and Dynacast Shipyard, Hariz   high-quality vessels that can compete on
        with different layouts for the Philippine  explained that the Dynamic Group, which   a global scale.
        National Police. These successful col-  started over 60 years ago in propeller   Hariz emphasised the importance of trust
        laborations highlight DM8 Composites’   manufacturing, established both entities   and support from government agencies
        commitment to supporting local law en-  less than seven years ago in Danao City,   in the Philippines. “We are proud of what
        forcement and security agencies.     Cebu. “Dynacast Shipyard focuses on   we’re accomplishing here because we
                                             repairing large boats, while DM8 is ded-
        Hariz further elaborated on the technolog-  icated to the new construction and repair   can deliver superior products at com-
                                                                                  petitive prices. Building in the Philippines
        ical advancements in their boat-building   of fiberglass vessels. We also have ABS   allows us to create jobs and contribute
        processes. “All the boats we’re construct-  (American Bureau of Shipping) and ISO   to the local economy,” she stated.
        ing at DM8 Composites are made from fi-  9001:2015 certifications, making us one
        berglass, adhering closely to international   of the few shipyards in the Philippines   Furthermore, she pointed out the impor-
        standards. We utilise a vacuum infusion   with such international credentials,” she   tance of after-sales support, which DM8
        process, a highly advanced technology,   stated.                          Composites can offer more effectively
        for the construction,” she noted. This                                    than foreign manufacturers. “With offices,
        modern technique not only ensures the   With the Philippine government’s initiative   technicians, and support representatives
                                             to revitalise the shipbuilding industry,
        quality of the vessels but also optimises   particularly in the defence sector, Hariz   stationed across the Philippines, we can
        the production process. While most of   sees immense potential for growth and   provide better service to our clients than
        the workforce comprises Filipinos, the   collaboration. “The Philippine govern-  if they were to procure similar-class boats
        company also benefits from the exper-  ment has a significant budget allocated  from abroad,” she explained.
        tise of middle management and consul-  for building quality vessels to meet the
        tants from Europe, providing a blend of   needs of the Navy, Coast Guard, and other   In conclusion, DM8 Composites, under
        local knowledge and international best   agencies,” she explained. This financial   Nour Hariz’s leadership, exemplifies the
        practices.                           backing presents an opportunity for DM8   potential of the Philippine shipbuild-
                                             Composites to contribute to the nation’s   ing industry. With a focus on quality,
        DM8 Composites has the capacity to con-  maritime security efforts.       adaptability, and local empowerment,
        struct vessels up to 30 meters in length.                                 the company is well-positioned to meet
        “We have built 22-meter passenger boats   “We ensure that our operations align  the growing demands of the nation’s
        and are currently working on a 26-meter  with international standards. Even our  maritime agencies while contributing
        vessel designed to accommodate 250  consultants, with over 20 years of ex-  to the broader goals of enhancing the
        passengers,” Hariz said. This capability  perience in Europe, have remarked that  Philippines’ maritime capabilities.

                                        Editorial Director      Arun Sivasankaran        Art Director
                                        Vittorio Rossi Prudente  Sudheesh Kularmunda
                                                                Atul Chandra
                                        Editorial Team
         PUBLISHED BY                   Jay Menon                                         Sales Director
                                  Yulian Ardiansyah         Akshay Satyamurthy
                                        Geoffrey Thomas

        ASIAN DEFENCE & SECURITY (ADAS) 2024                                                   SEPTEMBER-27-2024 3
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