Page 4 - ADAS 2024 - DAY 3
P. 4

Japan to Deliver Remaining

        Two FPS-3ME Radars in 2025

        Mitsubishi Electric Corporation is prepar-  awareness, early warning detection, and
        ing to complete the delivery of air surveil-  precise target tracking capabilities. TPS-
        lance radars ordered by the Philippines.   P14ME is a mobile-type long-range air
        Speaking to Daily News at the ongoing  surveillance radar offering precise de-
        DSEI, a Mitsubishi Electric Corporation  tection and tracking of multiple aerial
        official said the company will complete  targets. Based on the highly-successful
        deliveries of the remaining two fixed FPS-  J/TPS-P14 operated by the Japan Ground
        3ME air surveillance radar systems to the  Self-Defense Force, the system is proven
        Philippine Air Force (PAF) by next year.  to be reliable in a wide range of operating
        Japan and the Philippines had announced  environments and conditions.
        a Government-toGovernment deal in
        August 2020, for three fixed long-range   According to information provided by the
        FPS-3ME air surveillance radars with   Philippine Air Force at the ongoing ADAS,
        building facilities and one TPS-P14ME   the FPS-3ME can detect ballistic missiles
        medium-range mobile air surveillance   as far away as 540 nautical miles, mari-
        radar in a deal worth US$ 103 million.   time patrol aircraft at 350 nautical miles
                                             and fighter class aircraft as far as 200
        Mitsubishi Electric Corporation has al-  nautical miles away. Entirely developed
        ready supplied two air surveillance radar  and manufactured in-house by Mitsubishi
        systems to the PAF, one FPS-3ME and the  Electric, the FPS-3ME is a long-range
        other, TPS-P14ME. The sole TPS-P14ME  3D AESA (Active Electronically Scanned
        mobile radar inducted significantly en-  Array) air surveillance radar system ca-  system is a new and improved version
        hanced the PAF’s operational capabil-  pable of simultaneous detection and   of the J/FPS-3, which has been in use by
        ities by providing real-time situational  tracking of multiple aerial targets. The   the Japan Air Self-Defense Force for over
                                                                                  30 years. The Highly reliable L-band air
                                                                                  surveillance radar system offers superi-
                                                                                  or range and ballistic missile detection
                                                                                  The four radars are being acquired by
                                                                                  the Philippines under the Horizon 2
                                                                                  Air Surveillance Radar System (ASRS)
                                                                                  Acquisition Project.. The planned air
                                                                                  surveillance radar sites will cover large
                                                                                  areas of the Philippine Rise, Southern
                                                                                  Areas of the country, and the Southern
                                                                                  portion of the West Philippine Sea and
                                                                                  allow the Philippine Air Force to provide
                                                                                  optimal airspace monitoring, aircraft con-
                                                                                  trol, perform its air defence mission and
                                                                                  enhance the security in Areas of Interest
                                                                                  identified by the DND.

        Phillipine Navy Shows-Off Strike Capabilities

                                                                                          The Philippine Navy is show-
                                                                                          casing its growing stand-off
                                                                                          capability at the ongoing show.
                                                                                          Occupying pride of place is the
                                                                                          LIG Nex 1 C-Star “sea-skim-
                                                                                          ming surface-to-surface an-
                                                                                          ti-ship cruise missile. Also on
                                                                                          display is a Blue Shark light-
                                                                                          weight torpedo from LIGNex1,
                                                                                          along with Rafael Spike NLOS
                                                                                          missiles. Spike NLOS missiles
                                                                                          are fitted on some Philippine
                                                                                          Navy OPVs.

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