Page 8 - ADAS 2024 - DAY 3
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Kovico Eyeing Philippine Kovico added that their armoured vehicle
offerings are highly customisable as the
Armoured Vehicles Market vehicle chassis and body have all been
designed in-house. The vehicle can attain
a max speed of 110 kmph, and is reputed
for having excellent on-road and off-road
performance due its low Centre of Gravity.
The KMPV 4x4 is available in over 10
different configurations, including a 120
mm mortar launcher vehicle, troop carrier,
pick-up truck, etc. KMPV is available with
a manually operated turret system, which
can accommodate light and medium
caliber weapons. It can also be fitted with
a Remote-Controlled Weapon Station
(RCWS), which is a remotely operated
weaponized system often equipped with
fire-control systems for light and medium
caliber weapons. Such equipment used
on modern military vehicles allows a
South Korean armoured vehicle manu- Army in 2022. The Indonesian Police gunner to remain in the relative protec-
facturer Kovico is participating for the has been a repeat customer for Kovico’s tion of the vehicle. The weapons, how-
first time at the ongoing show. Speaking Armored Vehicle since 2009. Kovico has ever need to be supplied by end-users.
to Daily News, a company official said been very successful in Indonesia, with
Kovico is eyeing market entry into the repeat orders from the Indonesian Police
Philippines, as it wants to expand the for around 200 vehicles. In addition to this, the KMPV 4x4 has been
markets that it has a presence in. On certified for TNT 6kg Mine/IED blast pro-
display, is Kovico’s KMPV 4x4 stands for tection (STANAG 4569 Level 2) by IABG
Kovico Multi-Purpose Vehicle which has The KMPV 4x4 is also in contention for a (Industrieanlagen Betriebsgesellschaft
been delivered to the Republic of Korean Malaysian requirement, the official said. mbH) in Germany.
3e Elektro Optik
Debuts at ADAS 2024
3e Elektro Optik Sistemler from Turkey is for several armies and end users.”
making its debut at the Asia Defence and
Security Exhibition (ADAS) 2024, show- At ADAS 2024, 3e Elektro Optik is pre-
casing its innovative optical technologies senting an array of products that have
and solutions for the defence sector. been successfully adopted by various
Director of Engineering Operations, Utku military forces. Among the featured of-
Unal, expressed the company’s enthusi- ferings are thermal optics, clip-on sights,
asm for participating in the event, stating, reflex sights, and combat scopes with
“We are from Turkey, and we are very magnifications ranging from 1x to 6x.
happy to be here.”
Notably, the company has developed
fusion technology that integrates day
Founded in 2005, 3e Elektro Optik has vision with thermal vision and low-light
established itself in the technology field, CMOS sensors for enhanced operational
focusing on developing core technologies capabilities.
in the optics sector. The company specia-
lises in rifle-mounted optical solutions, Unal showcased some of the company’s
offering a wide range of products includ- standout products, including a versatile its presence in international markets, the
ing night vision sights, thermal sights, 5-25x rifle scope paired with a 75 mm company aims to reinforce its commit-
day scopes, and laser systems. Unal clip-on device, along with a standalone ment to delivering cutting-edge optical
highlighted the company’s commitment 5-25x combat rifle scope and a 60 mm solutions that meet the evolving needs
to providing comprehensive electro-op- standalone thermal weapon sight. He of defence forces around the globe. With
tical (EO) solutions, noting, “We’re also remarked, “These are some of our most a strong foundation in technology and
providing a lot of EO solutions based sought-after products for several armies.” a focus on innovation, 3e Elektro Optik
on multi-sensors, handheld devices for is poised to play a significant role in the
surveillance, providing global solutions As 3e Elektro Optik continues to expand future of military optics.