Page 5 - ADAS 2024 - DAY 3
P. 5
ASELSAN, Türkiye’s leading defence in Philippines, ASELSAN is showcasing
company, was established in 1975 and examples from its vast array of products
started its journey with the production of in the field of electronic warfare includ-
domestic radios. In time, it has evolved ing HEWS, its Electronic Warfare Self
into a technology hub among global de- Protection Suit for fixed and rotary wing
fence giants, with over 500 products. airborne platforms, and ILGAR, Mobile
Today, it has secured the 42nd position V/UHF Electronic Attack System which
among the “Top 100 Defence Companies” is developed to provide electronic attack
with an increasing presence on the global against target V/UHF communication
scene. systems on various platforms.
The company specializes in many fields same time. Thus, ASELSAN has evolved Wide frequency Mobile Radar Electronic
including radars, microelectronics guid- as a trademark in the field of electronic Support and Electronic Attack System
ance, electro optics, information and warfare with the systems and products it New Generation KORAL is also on dis-
communication technologies, and de- develops for air, land and naval platforms. play at ASELSAN booth at ADAS. The
fence system technologies. Besides all Besides current products, with its new system supports the Suppression of
these, the company takes attention on the investments in the next generation tech- Enemy Air Defence (SEAD) operations
global scene and in the defence industry nologies, ASELSAN is determined to fur- by building information dominance and
with its exceptional success in the field ther strengthen its assertion in the field of providing fast response time in challeng-
of electronic warfare. electronic warfare in the years to come as ing environments.
With its young and skilled workforce part of its aim to be one of the top 30 de- Visitors to the ASELSAN booth also have
fence companies by 2030. With its policy
and huge investments in the advanced to grow with international collaborations, the chance to explore the capabilities of
technologies, ASELSAN has developed ASELSAN has become centre of attention its V/UHF Direction Finding (DF) System,
significant products and systems in the in major markets including Pacific region PUHU. PUHU has a high performance
field of electronic warfare for its local with its exceptional products in the field to support tactical combat units in op-
and global clients. Today, it has become of electronic warfare. eration areas, meeting the intelligence
one of the few companies that can de- requirements of ground troops by pro-
velop full-scale electronics for frigates, As part of its participation to Asian viding compactness, user friendliness
aircrafts and armoured vehicles at the Defense and Security Exhibition (ADAS) and portability in the meantime.