Page 6 - ADAS 2024 - DAY 3
P. 6
DefendID Highlights Indonesian
Defence Industry at ADAS
Indonesia’s defence industry, represented Could you share some insights into every two years, this time we’re focus-
by DefendID, is making strides at ADAS DefendID’s participation in ADAS 2024? ing on PTDI, PT PAL, and PT Pindad.
2024 in Manila, continuing its mission to This is because we view ADAS as a
promote homegrown military products on “We’re participating in this event particularly promising market for these
the global stage. DefendID, a state-owned based on Law No. 16 of 2012 regard- three companies.
company overseeing five key SOEs, aims ing the defence industry, specifically
to highlight Indonesia’s growing techno- to promote the products developed “As many know, PT PAL has secured
logical and manufacturing capabilities in by Indonesian defence industries. contracts for the procurement of two
the defence sector. Domestically, we’ve done this through logistics ships (LPDs), followed by
platforms such as Indo Defence, and another contract for two additional
In an interview with Yulian Ardiansyah internationally, we’ve participated in LPD units. PT Pindad has previous-
from Daily News, Col. S. Iskandar of numerous exhibitions, including DSEI ly offered the Harimau tank, which,
the Indonesian Army (TNI-AD), Head of in London, the Paris Airshow, and IDEX although not yet successful, is now
the Sub-Directorate for Promotion and in Abu Dhabi. In fact, we’ve attended entering mass production to meet the
Cooperation, Directorate of Defence
Industry Technology, emphasised that nearly all major international defence needs of the Indonesian Army, mak-
DefendID’s participation is mandated exhibitions.” ing it still worth promoting. Similarly,
by Indonesian law to promote the coun- PTDI is presenting its N212i aircraft,
try’s defence companies and products. while also promoting the N219 and
He highlighted the organisation’s exten- What are some of the key products being the amphibious N219.
sive experience in major international showcased at ADAS 2024?
exhibitions, as well as progress related “We’re also showcasing leading prod-
ucts from private defence industries,
to the development of privately owned “At the DefendID stand, we represent a
Indonesian defence companies. state-owned company overseeing five such as PT Sritex with its military uni-
SOEs in the defence industry: PTDI, forms and textiles, PT Infoglobal with
The following are excerpts PT PAL, PT Pindad, PT LEN, and PT its range of avionics products, and
from the interview: Dahana. Although we attend ADAS GMF AeroAsia in the field of aircraft