Page 12 - DSA 2024 - DAY 1 | DAILY NEWS
P. 12

are continuing in line with the determined
          schedule, and we will realise the remaining
          deliveries on time with strict adherence
          to this schedule.

        Could you give us some information
        about Roketsan’s air defence systems
        and their export potential?
          Roketsan produces short-, medium- and
          long-range air defence systems to cover
          all tiers of a layered air defence system.
          Our SUNGUR Air Defence Missile System,
          HİSAR-A Low-Altitude Air Defence Missile
          and HİSAR-O Medium-Altitude Air Defence
          Missile have entered the inventory of the
          Turkish Armed Forces, and mass produc-
          tion is continuing. We recently conducted
          test firings of our National Vertical Launch
          System (MİDLAS) from the indigenously
          produced TCG İstanbul frigate, and will
          soon add this system to the inventory of
          the Turkish Naval Forces.              and lock on to the target. After completing   to successfully launch Şimşek-1 Space

          Among our other air defence systems,   the development and testing phases of   Launch System, featuring a fully liquid-fu-
          SUNGUR is a high-tech product with very   LEVENT, which we hope to do as soon   elled propulsion system that can place
          high export potential that has attract-  as possible, we will be able to meet the   a satellite weighing 400 kg in a 550 km
          ed considerable interest from several   needs of both the Turkish Armed Forces   orbit – alongside the Starlink satellites, by
          countries in various parts of the world.   and friendly and allied nations in this field   scaling up the technologies we have devel-
          SUNGUR has been developed for the      with the most appropriate solution.    oped. Upon the successful completion of
          short-range air defence of mobile or fixed                                    this programme, Türkiye will have gained
          units and facilities on the battlefield and                                   the capability to launch, test, produce sat-
          in the rear area, and can be used both   What role is Roketsan playing in Türkiye’s   ellites, and establish bases, capabilities
          as a Man-portable air defence system   promotion to the Space League?         that few countries in the world possess.
          (MANPAD) or integrated onto a platform.   In today’s world, developed countries can
                                                 be seen to be making serious investments  Could you tell us about the main purpose
          Having recognised the importance of    into the space field, and we are reviewing  of Roketsan, and its short- and long-term
          naval defence warfare for Southeast    our position accordingly.  Space studies  goals?
          Asian countries, we are striving to de-  are the focal point of technologies of the
          velop the most effective solutions for   future, and Türkiye is making significant   Roketsan is able to fully meet the needs
          the air defence of the naval forces in   investments and launching projects to   of the Turkish Armed Forces in its areas
          the region. Accordingly, our HİSAR Air   ensure it stays in this race.        of operation and is today able to export
          Defence Missiles and SİPER Long-Range                                         its products to many parts of the world,
          Air Defence and Missile System product    The first domestic probe rocket launched   from Europe to Asia, and from Africa to
          family, which we are also exhibiting at   using national technologies reached an   America in global competitions.
          DSA, when integrated with MİDLAS, can   altitude of 126 km, exceeding the 100-km   We have developed ground-breaking tech-
          be considered the most effective solution   line that is considered the edge of space.   nologies in the rocket, missile and weapon
          in this regard. We are continuing our ef-  We thus made our first journey into space   system fields, and we continue to take
          forts to integrate the HİSAR- and SİPER-  using our own technologies.         firm steps towards the future with more
          integrated MİDLAS with platforms in the   In the following phase, we concentrated   than 5,000 employees, modern facilities,
          inventories of the countries in the region.   on our efforts on the collection of data   large R&D investments and products with
          By finalising our works in this direction as   from space, and completed launch tests   proven success in the field.
          soon as possible, we will both strengthen   with our new probe rockets, reaching an
          the defence of the countries in the region   altitude of 136 km. This was an important   In 2023, the strength and success of our
          and make significant contributions to the   milestone for us, being a significant step   company in the sector were proven by
          exports of both our country and Roketsan.   towards the development of liquid-fuelled   being ranked 80th on the list of the 100
                                                 rocket engines, and the payloads carried   largest defence industry companies in the
          Our Close Air Defence System LEVENT,                                          world prepared by Defence News, 10th
          another product developed for the self-de-  by the probe rockets launched the start   on the list of the fastest growing defence
          fence of naval platforms, will form the   of our nation’s scientific studies in space.   industry companies in the world by the
          backbone of naval air defence systems.   Looking to the future, our next target is   Stockholm International Peace Research
          Developed with the SUNGUR missile in   the performance of a sub-orbital flight   Institute (SIPRI), and in the top percentile
          mind, LEVENT will operate using two sepa-  at an altitude of 300+ km with a new   in the size ranking of defence industry
          rate launchers that can be integrated with   probe rocket, with a payload capacity of   companies prepared by SIPRI. We aim
          the ship’s sensors or move autonomously   100 kg that will contribute further to our   to build on this success by gaining higher
          under the direction of their own sensors   space studies. Following this, we aim   ranks in the coming years.

        12  MAY-06-2024                                                                          WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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