Page 15 - DSA 2024 - DAY 1 | DAILY NEWS
P. 15

Turkish Companies Keen to

        Expand Footprint in Malaysia, Region

        It is not a coincidence that the Turkish con-  STM will join the growing list of Turkish com-  The Anka-S, which has been in service with
        tingent at the show is one of the largest.   panies that have been successful in supply-  the Turkish Air Force service since 2018,
                                               ing arms to Malaysia or its neighbours. In  has a cruise speed of 204 km/h, endurance
        The Turkish defence industry, which has  September last year, Turkish missile-maker  of 30 hours with a 350 kg payload, and a
        seen exponential growth over the last de-  Roketsan won a contract to sell 108 Karaok   service ceiling of 30,000 ft (9,144 m). It is
        cade, senses a big opportunity to cement  anti-tank guided weapons to Malaysia; the   8.6 m long, has a wingspan of 17.5 m, and
        its position as one of the major suppliers of  country is the first international customer   a maximum take-off weight of 1,700 kg.
        arms to Malaysia and other countries in the  for the system. Significantly, the company   The unarmed UAVs, which are expected
        region. With weapons made by Turkish firms  was picked over contenders from South   to be delivered before 2026, will carry a
        acquiring a reputation not just for quality but  Korea and China.             maritime intelligence, surveillance and re-
        also for being significantly less expensive                                   connaissance (ISR) payload that includes a
        than those made by North American and  Karaok, the Turkish equivalent of the FGM-  synthetic aperture radar and an electro-op-
        European companies, demand has soared.  148 Javelin guided anti-tank missile, can
                                               engage and destroy armor and fortified   tical/infra-red sensor.
        The event is taking place at a time when  bunkers at a distance of 2-4 kilometres
        Malaysia is reportedly close to signing an  (1.2-2.5 miles). The system, which weighs
        agreement with Turkey for the second batch  less than 16 kilograms (35 pounds), features   Malaysia’s neighbours too have taken a
        of Littoral Mission Ships (LMS) for the Royal  imaging, infrared homing guidance. The   liking to Turkish arms. In March this year,
        Malaysian Navy (RMN). Earlier this year,  system, which will be deployed on Cendana   Indonesia inducted into service medi-
        Defence Minister Datuk Seri Khaled Nordin  Auto light armoured vehicles, incorporates   um-weight tanks, named Kaplan (Tiger) in
        told the Dewan Rakyat (the lower house of  an armour-piercing tandem warhead. The   Turkish, and Harimau in Bahasa, developed
        Malaysia’s parliament) that the government  weapon, which will come with six missiles   in collaboration with Turkey. The tanks have
        had adopted a government-to-government  for each launcher, is designed to offer both   been jointly produced by Indonesian com-
        approach with Turkey for the procurement  direct and overhead strike modes with a   pany PT Pindad and Turkish manufacturer

        of the second batch of LMS (LMSB2).  fire-and-forget mode.                    FNSS. According to defence analysts, one of
        Discussions regarding specifications of the                                   the major reasons for international custom-
        ship and pricing commenced after Turkey’s   In May last year, Malaysia signed  The   ers showing interest in their weapons is that
        Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik (STM)   Malaysian Ministry of Defence (MoD) signed   Turkish defence companies are more willing
        responded to the Letter of Intent issued by   a contract with Turkish Aerospace Industries   than their competitors in other countries to
        the Defence Ministry in February. The ac-  (TAI) for Anka medium-altitude, long-en-  co-produce and co-develop weapons with
        quisition of three LMS have been approved   durance (MALE) unmanned aerial vehicles  companies in customer countries. This has
        by the government.                     (UAVs). The contract includes the delivery  resulted in arms exports increasing substan-
                                               of multiple UAVs, ground control stations,  tially in recent years; revenue from export
        When the deal comes through later this year,  as well as a training and logistics package.   of weapons touched US$5.5 billion in 2023.

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