Page 14 - DSA 2024 - DAY 1 | DAILY NEWS
P. 14

Leonardo Reinforces Rotorcraft Presence

        Leonardo, which is showcasing a wide range  and weapons with unparalleled safety and  Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR). The
        of products at the ongoing show, has a  performance characteristics. It is rapidly  AW149 blends performance, lower life-cycle
        longstanding presence in Malaysia of over  configurable for a wide range of demanding  costs and day/night all-weather capability
        40 years. The company has been especial-  missions in the most severe operational  in a single platform. With a smaller external
        ly successful in the rotorcraft market in  environments. The AW149 was designed  footprint than other helicopters in its class,
        Malaysia, with over 60 helicopters today in  as a multi-role military helicopter and has  but with similar cabin volume and large
        service with the Malaysian Armed Forces,  been certified by Italian Directorate of Air  stowage area, the more modern AW149 has
        Fire & Rescue Department (Bomba), Royal  Armaments. The AW149 was designed from  better performance than its competitors.
        Malaysia Police, Maritim Malaysia, com-  the outset with the modern battlefield in
        mercial and private owners. Both the Royal  mind, in particular survivability on the mod-  Malaysia’s Fire and Rescue Department
        Malaysian Navy and Air Force have selected  ern battlefield. It includes a comprehensive   (Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia)
        the AW139, which delivers best-in-class  Defensive Aids System, safe separation   operates the AW189 helicopter, while the
        performance with a maximum cruise speed  of systems, ballistic tolerance and pro-  AW109  provides  Helicopter  Emergency
        of 165 knots (306 kph), a range in excess  tection, key system redundancy, infra-red   Medical  Services  (HEMS)  serices  in
        of 500 nm (927 km), endurance of 5 hours  suppression, and military crashworthiness.   Malaysia. The AW189 has proven extremely
        and superior hover performance. Leonardo                                      successful in Asia for a range of roles includ-
        is also promoting the AW149 in the region.                                    ing public services and offshore transport.
        Designed as a multi-role military helicop-  The AW149 is optimised for a multitude
        ter, it is already in-service internationally,   of battlefield missions and roles including
        including in Southeast Asia, and ready to   movement of personnel and materiel, such  The Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) will
        replace ageing battlefield helicopter fleets.   as Troop Transport/Insertion/Extraction (up  also receive two new ATR 72MPA/ASW
                                               to 16 heavily equipped troops, 19 light) and  platforms from Leonardo. Leonardo has
                                               Cargo Internal/Underslung External Loads;  also supplied naval guns such as the OTO
        The AW149 is a latest-generation medium  medical and casualty evacuation; Search  76/62 SR "super rapid", light torpedoes and
        multi-role military helicopter that delivers  and Rescue (SAR) and Personnel Recovery;  heavy "Black Shark” torpedoes for the Royal
        the highly effective and survivable capability  special forces operations and Combat SAR;  Malaysian Navy and supplied its RAT31DL
        required by today’s armed forces, com-  close air support/armed escort; Command  and RAT31 SL/E radars for the nation’s air
        bining advanced technologies, equipment  and Control (C2); and Intelligence,  defence.

        14  MAY-06-2024                                                                          WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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