Page 21 - SAHA EXPO 2024 - DAY 1
P. 21
“Designed as a modular plat- Another product that made its international demand for land systems. Our
form, Arma II is a platform suit- debut this year was the ALPAR, tracked products, meeting NATO stan-
and armored medium unmanned ground
able for many different tasks. In vehicle. dards, combined with our quick
addition to being used as a stan- response to needs, unique lead
dard wheeled armored combat Equipped with autonomous systems and AI times, and excellent after-sales
vehicle and armored personnel systems, the vehicle is designed to reduce services, keep us ahead in the
personnel risk on the battlefield, improve
carrier for the infantry class, dif- the success of high threat missions, con- competitive global market.
ferent weapon systems, equip- ducting routine tasks, by reducing the Otokar is ready to meet the ris-
ment and various systems can number of personnel in the field using AI ing demand for land systems in
and data analytics, and increase efficiency
be integrated into Arma II,” a in the battlefield by communicating with Europe efficiently and effectively
company official said. unmanned aerial vehicles and other assets with our advanced defence ve-
in the battlefield. ALPAR stands out with
Arma II, with its different variants such a low thermal footprint, dimensions and hicles.” Aykut Özüner, Otokar’s General
as surveillance and listening vehicles and weight to be airlifted, and a fast-change Manager said recently.
reconnaissance vehicle, and with its large battery infrastructure. Moreover, ALPAR
interior volume and very fast displacement increases its mission capability with a Özüner also highlighted recent compa-
capability, can take part in the inventory as mini-unmanned ground vehicle that it can ny achievements: “With a strong
a command and control vehicle, the official carry. product portfolio, favorable
said. lead times, and outstanding
With a modular design, ALPAR can be con-
While Arma II can serve in battlefield rescue figured as a fire support vehicle, logistics after-sales services, we are
missions with appropriate subsystems support vehicle, air defence vehicle, and now among the top choic-
with the additional volume provided by the anti-tank vehicle suitable for missions such es for clients, particularly in
as advanced reconnaissance and surveil-
enlarged body main structure, it has the lance. The vehicle, which features a serial Eastern Europe. Last October,
distinction of being the most superior vehi- hybrid electric drive system and runs in
cle of its class that can perform various complete silence, can be operated auton- we secured a contract to sup-
tasks such as maintenance and repair and omously with remote control. The vehicle is ply 6x6 armored vehicles to the
ambulance, he added. also equipped with Adaptive Drive Support Estonian Armed Forces. We are
Systems developed by Otokar. also prepared and eager to fulfill
Otokar, a Koç Group company, continues
to promote its land systems products and Romania’s upcoming 4x4 ar-
capabilities worldwide. “We are ready to meet the rising mored vehicle requirements.”
SAHA EXPO 2024 OCTOBER-22-2024 21