Page 16 - SAHA EXPO 2024 - DAY 1
P. 16
Roketsan Showcases Extensive Range,
Turns Heads with About 30 Products
Leading rocket and missile manufacturer,
Roketsan, which has been having a banner
year marked by major international orders
and a significant move up the list of the
top 100 global defence companies, has
brought the full range of its products to the
ongoing show.
Among the munitions that the compa-
ny is exhibiting at the ongoing show are
MAM-C, MAM-T and MAM-T IIR, the striking
force of UCAV and members of its Smart
Gliding Munition Family; CİRİT Laser-Guided
Missile; KARAOK Short-Range Anti-Tank
Missile, OMTAS Medium-Range Anti-Tank
Missile System; UMTAS Long-Range Anti-
Tank Missile System; TEBER-82 Guidance
Kit; LAÇİN Guidance Kit; and the National
Vertical Launcher System (MİDLAS). Standout Weapons five defence firms from the country in the
The next-generation ÇAKIR cruise missile top 100 list of global defence companies.
Also being exhibited are the ÇAKIR Cruise can be launched from land, naval and, air Roketsan improved its position on the list
Missile; ATMACA Anti-Ship Missile; SOM platforms, The missile, which has a range of from 80th in 2023 to 71 in 2024, jumping
Stand-Off Missile; SUNGUR Air Defence over 150 km, weighs 270 kg, measures 3.3 more positions than the other four Turkish
Missile System; HİSAR Air Defence Missiles; meters in length, and has a fuselage diame- companies on the list. The company is now
SİPER Long-Range Air and Missile Defence ter of 27 cm. For precision strikes under all working on the development and testing of a
System; UAV-230 Air-to-Surface Ballistic weather conditions, CAKIR is equipped with hypersonic variant of its Tayfun Short-Range
Supersonic Missile; AKYA Next-Generation advanced mid-phase and terminal guidance Ballistic Missile (SRBM).
Heavyweight Torpedo and ORKA Next- systems, including infrared and RF seekers.
Generation Lightweight Torpedo. It also features swarm capabilities, allowing In August this year, Roketsan signed a stra-
coordinated attacks with multiple missiles. tegic agreement with Indonesia to supply
Roketsan is also showcasing it LEVENT the country with the SUNGUR air defence
Close-in Weapon System and LEVENT The lightweight MAM munitions are modular missile system, the ÇAKIR cruise missile,
Missile, TRLG-122 Missile, TRLG-230 air launched, precision-guided weapons and the MAM-L smart micro munition.
Missile, METE Laser Guided Mini Missile developed for use from military unmanned Indonesia is not a stranger to the company’s
System, ALPAGUT Smart Loitering Munition aerial vehicles (UAVs) and light attack air- products; in November 2022, the country
System, ALKA Directed Energy Weapon craft. While the MAM-C has an operating announced that it would purchase the KHAN
System, BURÇ Mobile Air Defence System range of 8 km, the MAM-L ‘s range is 15 ground-to-ground Ballistic Missile System
and the KMC-U Tactical Missile Weapon km. The MAM-T munition has a range of and HISAR Air Defence Missile Systems.
System. over 30 km from an armed UAV, more than
60 km from a light attack aircraft, and 80+
“SAHA Expo, one of Türkiye’s largest de- km from a fighter aircraft. In September last year, the missile maker
fence, aerospace industry organizations, is won a contract to sell 108 KARAOK anti-tank
a showcase where our National Technology The SUNGUR Air Defence Missile System, guided weapons to Malaysia. The system is
Initiative is shown to the whole world,” says Türkiye’s first Man-Portable Air Defence capable of engaging and destroying armour
Murat İkinci, Roketsan CEO. “In the past, System (MANPADS), entered the Turkish and fortified bunkers at a distance of 2-4
Türkiye was an importer in the defence Armed Forces’ inventory in July 2022. The km. The KARAOK’s weighs less than 16kg
industry. Now with SAHA Expo, we have fourth-generation MANPADS is designed and its diameter is 125mm diameter. The
the opportunity to introduce and explain the for short-range air defence of mobile/fixed system, which incorporates an armour-pierc-
power of Türkiye, which is moving towards units and facilities on the battlefield. ing tandem warhead, offers both direct and
full independence and becoming a country overhead strike modes with a fire-and-forget
that exports its products to the world. As Major International Orders mode. According to reports, Roketsan will
Roketsan, we also successfully fulfil our deliver the first batch of the system to the
duty, and export our products from Europe The company, Türkiye’s flag bearer in rocket Malaysian Armed Forces (ATM) by early
to Asia, from America to Africa.” and missile technologies, is among the 2026.