Page 18 - SAHA EXPO 2024 - DAY 1
P. 18

Eyes of Air Platforms

        Aselsan’s new generation electro optic sys-                                   conditions.
        tem, Aselflir-500, has been creating a lot of
        buzz of late.                                                                 As a turret only unit, the system consists
                                                                                      of HD infrared camera (IR Camera), 8 Mp
                                                                                      day visual camera (TV Camera), HD SWIR
        Late September, Aselsan announced that
        Azerbaijan had become the first export cus-                                   camera, laser range finder and designator
        tomer of the Aselflir-500. The system will                                    unit (LRFD), laser pointer and illuminator
        be used on country’s new Bayraktar Akıncı                                     unit (LPI), laser spot tracker (LST).
        unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).
                                                                                      All laser guided munitions in the world can
                                                                                      be encoded, allowing the user to shoot
        Recently,  Turkish  Aerospace’s  Anka-III                                     with NATO codes. The system can provide
        unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV),                                        accurate range information even at high
        equipped with an AF500, successfully con-                                     altitudes.
        ducted its first firing test, while the Bayraktar
        TB3 armed unmanned aerial vehicle, which                                      With its rigid structure, vibration damping
        Baykar developed indigenously, completed                                      and 4-axes gimbals and 2-axes optics sta-
        its 25th flight test with the electro-opti-         Aselflir-500              bilization, Aselflir-500 displays high stabi-
        cal camera system. The Aselflir-500 elec-                                     lization performance. The system has a
        tro-optical reconnaissance, surveillance   for fixed and rotary wing airborne platforms.  capability in order not to lose control over
        and targeting system was also tested by                                       the target in high depression angles (down
        the Bayraktar Akıncı unmanned combat  In February, Turkiye President Recep Tayyip  look or when the target is passed over).
        aerial vehicle, which struck a moving target  Erdoğan announced that the Aselflir-500  The system provides maximum protection
        at sea. Both TAI and Baykar say Aselflir-500  electro-optical system is going into mass  for sightline, reducing the vibrations in the
        is “the best in its class”.            production.                            image.

        The New Rage                           With its compact form, unique laser designs,  The internal boresight module embedded
                                               image quality, superior range performance,  to the system provides elimination of the
        Recent events in the world once again show  high stabilization capabilities and advanced  misalignment between the sensors which
        the importance of air supremacy and having  algorithms, the system is delivering 20’’ pay-  may occur with temperature changes and
        platforms in the air. Electro optic systems  load performance in a 15” category payload.  vibration effects at different altitudes during
        behave as the eyes of the platforms, pro-                                     operations, enabling the user to continue
        viding tactical advantages over the field.   The system features a multi-spectral aper-  the mission.
                                               ture that combines multiple optical chan-
        Aselflir-500 is a high-performance new gen-  nels into one, providing outstanding range  With the use of platform INS data when
        eration 15” electro-optical reconnaissance,  performance without increasing size and  needed, gimbal control is not suppressed
        surveillance and targeting system designed  weight, operable day and in adverse weather  in  the  case  of  GPS/GNSS  loss  in  the

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