Page 11 - SAHA EXPO 2024 - DAY 1
P. 11

Our integrated roadmap plays a crucial role   various categories.              technology transfer projects and joint ven-
         in this process. It helps us plan out how                                      tures. We have established local produc-
         and when we acquire these technologies,  Please elaborate on Aselsan’s success in   tion facilities and maintained a reputation
         making sure we stay on track with our  developing indigenous radar technology   for delivering not only solutions but also
         strategic goals. This roadmap ensures  within Türkiye?                         support for local manufacturing in different
         we’re always moving forward and ready to   Aselsan, as a company of Turkish Armed   regions. Our cultural familiarity with certain
         meet the evolving needs of our customers   Forces is responsible for not only devel-  regions enhances our ability to train and
         and stakeholders.                                                              collaborate with our partners effectively.
                                                oping high technology radar systems, but   These investments do not only improve
         As a company targeting to be among the   also developing an ecosystem of local   our ability to respond to customer needs
         top 30 defence companies by 2030, we   companies capable of designing and man-  immediately, but also strengthens our
         are constantly investing in research and   ufacturing certain parts of high-tech radar   communication processes. Our increasing
         development and incorporating this men-  systems. Aligning to this mission, Aselsan   footprint globally enables us to establish
         tality in all our processes and activities.   is currently working with more than 3700   closer and more sustainable relationships
         A technology hub like Aselsan may never   local companies in Türkiye.          with our customers, thus taking customer
         stop developing its capabilities constantly   Those companies are working on several   satisfaction to higher levels. We believe
         in the field of research and development.   parts of the radar systems ranging from   these partnerships will not only increase
         Therefore, we have set a strategic vision   component level up to subsystem level   job opportunities but will contribute to
         for ourselves called AselsaneXt 2030.                                          local economies, as well.
                                                assembly. Highlighting examples of their
                                                outputs are GaN transistors, ASICs imple-
         As part of this strategic vision:
                                                menting certain tasks, digital processing
          With aTalent, we will find and train qual-  boards, embedded and application-level   What are Aselsan’s future plans for R&D
         ified human resources.                 software products, power amplifiers, solid   expenditure, infrastructure and partner-

          With aFast, we will create a fast and   state transmit and receive modules for   ships with Turkish academia?
         effective working system with digital, lean   AESA radar systems. The examples can   As an R&D-oriented technology company,
         and agile processes.                   be increased but we can simply say that,   Aselsan continuously evolves, innovates,
                                                with our assistance Türkiye now owns a   and renews itself, steadfastly pursuing
          We will work on game-changing future   highly talented ecosystem of technology   our transformation journey. In order to
         technologies with integrated roadmaps   companies which are working on the de-  increase the national contribution in R&D
         within the scope of aTech.             sign, development and manufacturing of   projects we do our absolute best to utilize
          With aMass, we will focus on infrastruc-  radar system components            the technological opportunities available
         ture and investments that will increase                                        in the country. For this purpose, we col-
         mass production capability.                                                    laborate with all our stakeholders in our

          With aBusiness, we will adopt an export   We would like to gain some insight into   R&D activities and mutually feed into the
                                                                                        ecosystem we exist in. Therefore, univer-
         and business development focused orga-  Aselsan’s collaboration with foreign    sity-industry collaboration is at utmost
         nization, branding and product focused   partners for defence technology.      importance for us in terms of transform-
         approach.                              Aselsan, which plays a crucial role in meet-  ing the scientific knowledge generated
                                                ing Turkey’s defence and security needs   at academia to practical knowledge that
        What have been the chief results of     with its skilled workforce and engineering   can be used in the product development
        Aselsan R&D over the last 3-5 years?    capabilities, has increasingly emphasized   processes.
         Aselsan, one of Türkiye’s R&D leaders,   its identity as a “global defence company”
         currently has nine R&D centers and we   in recent years.                       In this ecosystem, we work together with
         have over 6,700 employees at our R&D                                           TÜBİTAK (Scientific and Technological
         centres. We are fully focused on advanced   Following the opening of new offices in   Research Council of Türkiye), universi-
         technologies with our R&D centres and   Poland, Chile, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia   ties, research centres, techno parks, our
         personnel because Aselsan has been de-  in 2023, and the recent establishment of   subcontractors and public institutions, in
         veloping the best and unique systems in   offices in Balkans, Uzbekistan and Oman,   coordination with the Ministry of National
         its field with its knowledge and extensive   our presence around the world has been   Defence,  Ministry  of  Industry  and  the
         R&D infrastructure for 49 years.       remarkably increased. We are now actively   Department of Technology and Defence
         Thanks to our R&D centres, we are reaping   present in 20 countries through our 22   Industries.
         the fruits of our development of unique   entities, and we aim to further expand our
         products at high standards based on ad-  global presence with our plans to open   We also offer many development oppor-
         vanced technologies. Acting on this vi-  new offices. In line with our export-driv-  tunities to our work force after starting
         sion, Aselsan broke a historical record by   en growth strategy, we aim to bring our   their academic career at Aselsan. Our
         spending a total of 19.486 million TRY on   innovative products and modernization   employees have the opportunity to pur-
         R&D and 16.695 million TRY on external   expertise to more countries, particularly   sue master’s and doctorate degrees at
         R&D in 2023.                           in Europe, the Middle East, Latin America,
                                                South Asia, and Africa.                 Türkiye’s best research universities as
         The fact that we place the highest val-                                        part of the Aselsan Academy, with the aim
         ue on R&D and innovation in our country   Aselsan has a strong global presence   of reinforcing their technical capabilities
         is recorded by the awards we receive in   built over many years through successful   for the projects they work on at Aselsan.

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