P. 14

For a More Efficient

        Way of Regional Travel

                 onda Aircraft Company                                          after the appointment in 2022 of
                 continues to strengthen                                        Malaysia-based KarbonMRO as
                 its presence in Asia                                           the exclusive authorized service
       H for a seamless cus-                                                    center (ASC) for Southeast Asia.
        tomer experience in response                                            In Asia, our footprint now expands
        to the growing demand for                                               across Southeast Asia, Japan, and
        the HondaJet. Amod Kelkar,                                              China. Overall, we are receiving an
        Senior Vice President and Chief                                         increasing amount of interests in
        Commercial Officer of Honda                                               the market. Significant growth is
        Aircraft Company, in an exclusive                                              projected for aviation in the
        interview with Jay Menon.                                                       region and we are confi-
                                                                                         dent that the HondaJet
        Excerpts from the interview:                                                      will be a valuable tool
                                                                                          for both business and
        Q It has been almost 5                                                            private use.
        years since Honda made
        the Asian debut of its air-                                                        Q Can you throw
        craft. how has the impact                                                         some light on the
        been?                                                                             HondaJet Echelon?
                                                                                          Please update us on
        Since its Asian debut,                                                            the project. When do
        Honda Aircraft has deliv-                                                        you plan the first flight?
        ered 24 aircraft to the
        region, where utilization                                                       The development of the
        is rapidly increasing.                                                          HondaJet Echelon is well
        Japan is the 2nd most                                                          underway having completed
        HondaJet trafficked                                                           several key milestones:
        country, and Thailand is                                                     Installation of the first struc-
        the 4th most in our global                                                  tural test rig was completed Q4
        fleet activity.                                                             2021.
                                                                                     Successful exit of conceptual
        Honda Aircraft Company                                                       design and completion of
        continues to strengthen its                                                  aircraft Preliminary Design
        presence in Asia for a seam-                                                  Review (PDR).
        less customer experience                                                      The official power-on cer-
        in response to the growing                                                    emony for the HondaJet
        demand for the HondaJet.                                                       Echelon’s Advanced
        In 2023, we announced                                                          Systems Integration Test
        two new authorized sales                                                       Facility (ASITF) at the
        representatives in Asia                      Amod Kelkar,                      company’s Greensboro, NC
        (Forth Corporation Public            Senior Vice President and Chief           (U.S.) world headquarters
        Company, WingsOverAsia).              Commercial Officer of Honda             on August 30, 2023.
        This announcement comes                     Aircraft Company                 The first flight is planned for

        14  SINGAPORE AIRSHOW 2024 INSIGHT ∙ FEBRUARY 2024                                             WWW.GBP.COM.SG
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