P. 17
thoughts on the situation? about that as you can imagine. see vast investment.
But once they quietly got on with
The supply chain is a vexing ques- the process, on came a new wing, Q Is Net zero 2050 a dream?
tion. During COVID, yes. But it’s down came the length of the fuse-
now two years after COVID, and lage, and we said “Stop, stop, stop, No, it’s something that we need
we’re still facing these issues. The stop, stop.” That’s a perfect airplane to work towards. Somebody has
demand for the aerospace business now. It’s now hit the sweet spot. to draw the line in the sand that
is growing all the time. Aircraft are And I think probably, as a result of says 2050, 2030, whatever. It kind
full and airlines are making money. what we’re doing, others will follow. of moves and you work towards
There’s no shortage of cash going that. It gives you focus. The British
into the supply chain. I cannot Q What’s the long-term strategy government changed its mind a
believe there was utter and total with the A380? month ago or two months ago. They
destruction of the supply chain as a pushed that out because there were
result of the shutdown. So, did they We will keep them going as long socio economic effects. I think in
dismantled all the tools and the jigs as possible. With regards to the this whole subject, the amount of
and the gantries and shut and burnt supply chain, we have to keep a work that has gone on since 2006
the factories to the ground? No, I careful eye on that. So, we are to decarbonize the planet has been
don’t get that. So, you can go on for cannibalizing some of the early really, really impressive. The prob-
so long banging on about supply aircraft and storing the parts. The lem is, total population continues
chain, but in the end, when there’s a fleet stays and we will try to keep to grow and it will continue to grow.
strong demand, historically, people 116 going for as long as we can So, how do you deal with that?
go to where the market is and they unless I can persuade them to build And they’re very aspirational. They
move quickly. Whenever, I’m told another one. I’ve been banging on want new cars. They want the new
there are supply chain issues, I tell about it each time they consign me iPhone 15.
them to do a deep dive and find out to the loony bin, but there we are.
what the real story is. I mean, any young planner in the Q What about the Blended Wing
airline business would be able to Body as part of the solution?
Q Emirates has changed its say that without a third runway at
order several times for the Boeing Heathrow, where are you going to Blended wing is much more fuel
777-8. Can you give us some go? We have six of those hitting efficient. Strip out the windows,
clarity? Heathrow every day. They’re all strip out the weight, structure is far
full. That’s 570 people. And it’s in more able to do that so can you
Well Boeing was going backwards 2023. Where are we going to be in do that? Yes. But where it is? You
and forwards, new wing, different 2033? In 2043? I don’t know. I don’t don’t need windows in airplanes
wing, and different strategies. Also, know where you go in Paris, or because we’ve got [fake] windows
we have had constant delay notifi- Hong Kong, or JFK, or Los Angeles. with cameras behind them and it all
cations so we were a little bit edgy They’re all like that now. And I don’t works well..