P. 15
2026, followed by type certification
anticipated in 2028.
Q You had plans to introduce
Autothrottle and Emergency
Autoland for the Elite II. Can you
provide an update?
We are currently working with
our partners at Garmin and the
FAA towards the certification
for Autothrottle and Emergency
Autoland for the HondaJet. We are
working closely with our suppliers to
deliver the highest quality products.
Q What are the advanced tech-
nologies used to deliver better Aircraft Company is expanding in 2023. Can you provide some
fuel efficiency? the application of HondaJet Elite details?
II’s foundational innovations and
The HondaJet Elite II is the most efficiency into new categories, Honda Aircraft Company Certified
fuel-efficient aircraft in its class. It targeting missions that can only Pre-Owned (CPO) is an integral
is able to save 8,000 gallons of fuel be accomplished by much larger part of Honda Aircraft’s pre-owned
yearly solely due to its design. aircraft today. This allows users to services. The CPO designation will
unlock more destinations with sig- be given to pre-owned HondaJets
The HondaJet was designed to nificantly lower carbon emissions, after comprehensive evaluation and
be environmentally responsible up to 40% lower in some cases maintenance processes. In order
with a focus on its design from when comparing to midsized jet. to receive the label of “Certified
the very beginning to optimize its Pre-Owned,” each HondaJet must
fuel-efficiency. This design goal Q What are the types of custom- first pass a thorough, pre-purchase
was achieved by combining the ers for HondaJets? inspection covering more than 208
innovational technologies such points on the aircraft.
as Over-The-Wing-Engine Mount, We are targeting both business,
Natural Laminar Flow, among personal and charter uses of the The HACI CPO programme is
others. HondaJet plays an import- aircraft. Owner/fleet operators driven by our passion for empow-
ant role within Honda’s long-running usually look for a more efficient ering customers with the joy
focus towards carbon neutrality. way of regional travel. Additionally, and freedom skyward mobility. It
The HF120 engine equipped on the purchasers of light jets may be addresses the growing demand for
HondaJet has completed ground looking to lessen their impact on the HondaJets while prioritizing cus-
testing using 100% SAF testing. environment while also enjoying the tomers’ peace of mind through the
The HF120 engine can operate on benefits of private air travel. OEM’s meticulous control over each
a maximum 50% blend of Jet A/A-1 aircraft’s quality and reliability.
and SAF, and this most recent Q Honda Aircraft plans to target
successful test shows the capabil- the next aircraft level critical
ity of the engine to run on 100% design review this summer. Could At HACI, the “Three Joys” are fun-
SAF. This marks another important you throw some light on this? damental to who we are. Our goal
milestone for Honda’s commitment is to welcome more people to the
in the aviation sector to reduce CO2 The detailed design of the aircraft HondaJet family, foster long-term
emissions for the aviation industry. is well underway, with select long relationships with customers, and
lead fabrication already in progress, ensure a premium ownership expe-
Q How about the fuel efficiency of targeting an aircraft level Critical rience for customers.
HondaJet Echelon? Design Review (CDR) summer In 2023, 2 CPO HondaJets went to
2024. Asia. HACI is committed to contin-
The HondaJet Echelon is an exten- uously adding new values to the
sion of our commitment to reducing Q Honda Aircraft rolled out industry with the class-first CPO
greenhouse gas emissions. Honda Certified a Pre-owned programme