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Asia Vital to the Future of AAM:
Jaiwon Shin, Supernal CEO
functionality – that will attract
sia is vital to vital to the aviation operators and create
future of advanced air the preferred AAM passenger
mobility (AAM) and the experience.
A region’s growing promi-
nence in the airline industry could Q Unlike most other companies
well extend to AAM operations, says in the AAM industry, Supernal is
Jaiwon Shin, President of Hyundai not rushing to market. Is that an
Motor Group and CEO of urban air advantage?
mobility company Supernal.
AAM is an entirely new cate-
gory of aviation, both vehicle and
In an interview with Arun and smooth ride. To maintain market wise. So, there are many
Sivasankaran, Shin talks about superior quality while also being aspects to consider when evaluat-
a range of issues, including cost-effective, the vehicle will be ing market entry – from regulation
Supernal’s recently unveiled S-A2 manufactured leveraging Hyundai to the ground-to-air integration to
eVTOL aircraft concept, the compa- Motor Group’s mass production public acceptance. We believe
ny’s plan for commercial operations, capabilities. our thoughtful, carefully planned
battery technology, and collabora- approach to market entry gives us
tion between industry players and Another key feature is modu- the ability to weigh all the critical
regulatory bodies. larity. S-A2 can adapt to align elements that exist to make AAM a
with customer preferences, effi- reality while ensuring commercial
Q What are some of the standout ciently converting the interior from
features of the company’s S-A2 four-seat, two-seat and cargo aviation safety standards our future
customers want and deserve.
eVTOL aircraft? configurations. Our vehicle is also
designed with battery upgrade- We’re preparing beyond our first
S-A2 is a four-passenger, piloted, ability in mind, which includes entry into service and working to
V-tail, battery electric vehicle. In the ability to replace the battery build the foundation for AAM to
flight, it will cruise at 120 miles-per- module as technology advances scale to the masses. Supernal
hour at 1,500 feet to meet typical without going through heavy vehicle is investing time and resources
city operation needs of 25- to re-certification. upfront – and is focused on making
40-mile trips. step-by-step progress – to ensure
Q Supernal is a Hyundai Motor AAM can reach its potential safely
The vehicle is designed with the Group company. How much and affordably.
utmost priority on safety and a involvement does HMG have in
focus on sustainability and passen- developing the eVTOL? Q You have plans to certify your
ger comfort. Engineered to achieve first aircraft in 2028 and enter
the global commercial aviation Supernal is working with Hyundai production. Will entry-into-service
standard of safety, it has a robust Motor Group’s affiliates to develop happen almost simultaneously?
airframe structure including redun- its vehicle for scaled manufactur-
dant components in critical systems ing and to responsibly co-create Our goal is to prepare for entry into
such as powertrain, flight controls the expansive AAM value chain. the market in 2028, ensuring that
and avionics. The all-tilting rotor For SA-2, our engineering teams we meet and exceed all necessary
configuration will power the vehicle partnered with HMG’s automo- certification requirements along
through both the vertical takeoff tive designers on the vehicle’s the way. We plan to launch our first
/ landing and horizontal cruise aesthetics – blending design with commercial flight in 2028.
phases of flight with high efficiency