P. 7
Q Asia Pacific is expected to wit- Batteries are the linchpin of AAM. A We are collaborating with leading
ness the biggest growth among all crucial part of achieving accessible aerospace suppliers to co-develop
regions when it comes to passen- and affordable electric air travel is and mature AAM vehicle systems
ger traffic. What are Supernal’s developing lightweight and power- for EIS. We are also thinking
plans for the region? ful batteries that meet commercial beyond 2028 and are working to
aviation safety standards. This is a advance battery and sensor capa-
We see Asia as vital to AAM’s complex task that involves balanc- bilities and accelerate the creation
future. The region’s growing prom- ing safety, power, energy, cycle life, of new materials, manufacturing
inence in the airline industry could charge time and cost-effectiveness. processes, supply chain capacity
well extend to AAM operations. Last year, we opened our primary and more.
We’ve already formed a partnership research and development facility
with Korean Air. in Fremont, California, where our Q Supernal has signed partner-
team is working to address the ships with a number of major
Q Noise pollution and safety unique challenges and opportunities suppliers for its eVTOL. Last
are two of the most important within battery technology for electric year, the company opened
concerns people have cited in air travel applications while also three offices in the U.S., an R&D
various AAM surveys. What is engaging with external partners. Facility in Fremont, its Policy and
Supernal doing to ensure public Commercial Office in Washington,
acceptance? And we know that battery technol- DC., and its engineering head-
ogy will continue to evolve rapidly. quarters in Irvine. What can we
Two of our core principles focus on That’s why our vehicle’s energy expect from the company this
safety and noise reduction. Safety storage system has been designed year, and in 2025?
is a universal goal that anchors with flexibility and upgradeability in
everything we do; AAM should mind. So, in 2028 – and the years Our next steps are guided by a
deliver the same safety standards to follow – our vehicle can take well-defined roadmap. In 2024 and
of commercial aviation of today. advantage of the latest in battery 2025, we will continue our focus on
We expect our vehicle to be quiet technology. This means the bat- systems integration and begin initial
enough to blend into typical city tery pack can be removed from flight testing. Then in 2026 and
noise. the vehicle and replaced with an 2027, we will conduct testing for
upgraded battery pack – without the type certification in 2028.
Q How close are you to iden- burden of major structural changes
tifying cities where you will or recertification. Q Do you foresee AAM taking off
commence operations first? Do in all regions at the same time?
you plan to enter multiple cities Q How important is it for a Do you think regulatory agencies
when you start operations? in different regions have kept
nascent industry such as AAM pace with each other as they get
to have collaboration between
We are closely collaborating with ready to introduce norms and
Seoul, South Korea, Los Angeles industry players and various gov- regulations?
ernments/regulatory bodies? Do
and Miami to identify the best way
to launch AAM in their respec- you see enough of that happen- AAM has the potential to augment
ing? What role is Supernal playing
tive cities. We are also working to in that sphere? existing infrastructure in many
develop solutions in other parts locations, though we project ini-
of the United States, Asia and the tial applications primarily in North
Middle East. Our goal is to not only We can’t stress enough how critical America, Asia and Europe. As a
identify potential AAM locations and multi-sector collaboration is to bring company backed by HMG, we
routes, but also to assess if they are AAM into fruition – from automotive, understand the criticality of adher-
regulatorily, technically and com- aviation and technology experts to ing to regulatory standards first and
mercially viable. regulators and policymakers. Each foremost. We also understand our
of these experts plays a key role in offerings may need to be tailored
Q Is eVTOL battery technology developing the framework that will to meet regional or even national
improving as fast as the industry make this form of transportation needs. While eVTOLs are advanc-
would like? Do you think it has possible. Bringing all these groups ing, the surrounding infrastructure
advanced enough to make pas- together represents a significant and regulations need to keep pace.
senger flights not just possible challenge, but also a remarkable This is why cooperative efforts
but economically feasible? opportunity to deliver a new cate- involving public and private sectors
are critical..
gory of commercial flight.