P. 9

leader in the industry. So as early   productivity within the organization.   We are at 92% of pre COVID
        as March of 2020, that’s still during   All that was part of the transfor-  capacity but there a number of fac-
        the early part of the pandemic we   mation. The combination of all that   tors slowing capacity. As you know
        were communicating the message.     was in the record profits, but also   there is the aircraft capacity issue
        We had communicated repeatedly      the recognition that we continue to   with some aircraft supposed to be
        since then about us needing to be   be recognized as the best airline.   delivered and have been delayed
        first off the block and therefore what  We were recognized as one of the   because of manufacturing and
        we need to do in order to make sure  top 50 most admired company by     supply chain issues. Also the open-
        that we are operationally ready and   Fortune magazines. And that is    ing of China, is relatively recent so
        we launch the new world.            ranked by executive in other com-   that market will take a little time to
                                            panies across all many industries.   fully recover.
        While there were not much flying    And at the same time, we were
        activities, we continued to upskill,   also ranked as the most attractive   Q Are you finding greater demand
        re-skill our staff, we continued to   employer in Singapore. We appre-  for the premium cabin premium
        keep the operating crew or pilots   ciate those accolades but more      economy business and first post
        as well as cabin crew active. There   importantly it recognizes our vision   COVID?
        may not be a lot of flying as a     to want to emerge as the leader and
        whole, but we rotate them so that   not merely one that performed well   We’re actually seeing a strong
        most of them are able to still keep   financially.                      demand across all cabins and that’s
        their currency and all that. We                                         the reason why we’re able to reach
        continue to rotate aircraft to take all   Q What about Marco trends – cost   this unprecedented load factor of
        clients even though each aircraft   of living, travel demand?           92 8%. It’s not merely the premium
        utilization is lower, but all of them                                   cabin, but all cabins.
        are kept operationally ready to add   I would say that for the rest of the
        capacity. So, with that, we were    financial year and our financial end   Q How is your relationship with
        able indeed to actually put back    in March, we feel that the demand   Tata in India?
        capacity just about almost always   is still quite robust and we are
        the first to put back capacity when-  seeing strong demand across all   We currently have 49% of a joint
        ever border is open because we are  the cabins. But there are certainly   venture airline in India, a joint ven-
        reading and we can make a deci-     challenges for aviation, inflation   ture with Tata with 51% of Vistara.
        sion at very short notice.          is one of them. Global macroeco-    The reason why we had that joint
                                                                                venture was because firstly our
                                            nomic uncertainty, some of the
        Q You had a transformation          geopolitical tensions that we’ve    strong belief in India as a market.
        programme.                          been seeing that are intensifying.   Tata has now acquired Air India.
                                                                                When Tata was doing due diligence
                                            So, all these are factors that would   on the acquisition of Air India, we
        Yes, we put a transformation pro-   affect the demand for aviation for   were appointed as the advisor. The
        gramme in place which had more      airlines, but these are not really fac-  process of integrating Vistara into
        than a hundred initiatives at one   tors or challenges that we have not   Air India is progressing. In fact, it
        point to enhance our ability to better  seen before in aviation industry.  now has the blessing of the com-
        serve customers, to look at new                                         petition commission of India. There
        revenue management systems,         Q How is SIA’s capacity compared    are a few other regulatory approv-
        to enhance revenue management       to 2019? When, in your opinion,     als that have to be made, but we
        capabilities and also to enhance    will it fully recover?              believe it’s on track. When that is
                                                                                completed, we will own 25.1% of
                                                                                the combined entity, which really
                                                                                comprise Air India, Express Asia
                                                                                India and Vistara. We started with
                                                                                that joint venture because there is
                                                                                actually a lot of synergy that can
                                                                                be established between India and
                                                                                Singapore. And even with Vistara
                                                                                we were working on commercial
                                                                                collaborations and those collabo-
                                                                                rations will continue with Air India
                                                                                once this entire approval process
                                                                                has been completed..

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