P. 10

This is the time  for

        extraordinary opportunities

              ingapore is at the            the way for new types of aircraft,   high technology. A bold innovation
              cutting-edge of new tech-     such as drones and eVTOLs,          roadmap today that will shape the
              nologies and concepts         which will revolutionise air mobility.   aeronautical world of tomorrow.
       S for manufacturing. We              I am convinced that we are at the
        could envisage to set up our        dawn of a new era in the aviation   Q What about in the Asia Pacific
        competences for new disruptive      industry, the era of decarbonisa-   region?
        manufacturing facilities here, says   tion. We have all the cards in our
        Yannick Assouad, Executive Vice-    hands. I am confident that we will   Asia-Pacific is making a strong
        President Avionics at Thales, in    rise to this challenge thanks to    comeback after the hit of the
        an interview to Jay Menon for the                                       COVID-19 crisis, with a capacity
        Singapore Airshow Insight.                                              recovery of over 90% by 2023.
                                                    Yannick Assouad,            The forecasts are beyond doubt:
                                                 Executive Vice-President       Asia-Pacific will clearly be the most
        Excerpts from the interview:                 Avionics at Thales         dynamic market for aviation over

                                                                                the next 20 years, with 4 billion
        Q What is your strategic vision                                         passengers expected by 2040. It
        for civil aeronautics?
                                                                                is obvious that the centre of gravity
                                                                                of aviation will shift towards Asia,
        This is a historic moment for avia-                                     driven by a very strong demand
        tion, a time facing unprecedented                                       for new aircraft and new services
        challenges, but also a time for                                          (more than 18,000 aircraft across
        extraordinary opportunities. All                                          the region by 2040, with China
        players in the sector - aircraft                                          as a potential third global aero-
        manufacturers, airlines, and air                                          space player). Several strategic
        navigation service providers - are                                        directions are therefore taking
        committed to a shared mission: to                                        shape. The first is major invest-
        reduce the environmental impact of                                       ment in infrastructure and airports
        aviation. Airports are gearing up to                                    in particular, and by airlines to
        welcome more passengers, while                                          expand and modernise their fleets
        guaranteeing their safety and com-                                      with new, more efficient and less
        fort. We are harnessing contactless,                                         energy-consuming technol-
        biometric and X-ray technologies                                                     ogies. Secondly,
        to create a safer, smoother travel                                                     the emergence of
        experience. We are pioneer-                                                             new segments,
        ing new digital tools to                                                                such as urban air
        keep aircraft flying in an                                                              mobility (eVTOL),
        eco-responsible way. We                                                                 single-pilot
        redesign and connect                                                                     operations and
        the brain of the aircraft                                                                more long-term
        to optimise its perfor-                                                                 even pilotless
        mance. In the cabin,                                                                    operations as
        we offer passengers                                                                      the technology
        new in-flight entertain-                                                                 and regula-
        ment (IFE) solutions                                                                     tory framework
        and digital services                                                                     mature. In short,
        to enrich their expe-                                                                    Asia-Pacific is
        rience. And in the                                                                       redefining the
        skies, we’re paving

        10  SINGAPORE AIRSHOW 2024 INSIGHT ∙ FEBRUARY 2024                                             WWW.GBP.COM.SG
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