P. 8
All that was part of the transformation.
The combination of all that was in the
record profits, but also the recognition
that we continue to be recognized as
the best airline. We were recognized as
one of the top 50 most admired
company by Fortune magazine.
Goh Choon Phong
CEO of Singapore Airlines
Goh Choon Phong joined particular, our capacity went down how to preserve our whole operat-
Singapore Airlines (SIA) in to about 3% in April of 2020. ing capabilities. And we know that
1990, and has held senior So at the point in time, we had our people, our staff actually are
management positions in three priorities. The first priority, of the most important asset that we
Singapore and overseas course, is about liquidity. How do have. Without pilots, without cabin
we boost our liquidity? And for that
crew, without planners, without
with the Company. He joined we were fortunate to have a very schedulers, you cannot operate in
SIA’s Board on 1 October supportive shareholders, Temasek air. You cannot operate flights. So,
2010 and was appointed in particular, but also the other while we had to take some painful
Chief Executive Officer on 1 shareholders. We raised in total staff measures, we told our staff
January 2011. $23.5 million. So that was fortunate that any retention will be the last
because our shareholders believed resort. And in fact, we did a lot of
Q How did Singapore Airlines in us and we’re able to support us things to try to reduce the need for
work through COVID? and we have since been able to some of which were like of course,
reward them. pay card, freeze recruitment going
So, we have reported a record half on, no pay leave. Also, arranging
year result operating and at the net The second aspect, the second alternative employment for our staff
level for the group. Also, a record priority we had, not in order of and allowing some of them also to
load factor of 88%. This half year importance, but in terms of what work part-time to supplement their
performance followed previous we were thinking about that point income.
financial year’s record performance, in time, was about our customers,
as well. I would say that it is really the care of our customers. And Q Singapore Airlines was first out
a result of many things. One is that we felt as we always have that we of the blocks when COVID fin-
we were preparing for the recovery have to do things the right way by ished and has emerged stronger.
right at the beginning of COVID. our customers. So, for example, at How did you work with staff on
When COVID first struck, we were the outset we told our customers this?
thinking [about recovery] back in that we will honour any refund that
2020. we want to us. For us it is the right It is important obviously to let our
thing to do, which is if they wish to people know what is the meaning
We first noticed the issue with have a refund, we will honour. Of of emerging stronger. And at the
COVID when Wuhan closed the course, we offered other incentive outset we were quite clear what
border. That was 23rd of January and credits if they wished to keep that means for SIA and to be much
2020. And of course all of us know it as a credit, they would’ve some stronger we wanted to be first
thereafter the borders were closing enhancement in the value. off the block when the recovery
in succession and things were very came and also to make sure that
bad for many airlines. And for us in The third aspect, it’s really about we emerge and continue to be a