Page 14 - VIETNAM DEFENCE EXPO 2024 - Day 1 | GBP
P. 14

Embraer Offering                                                        Hungary, Portugal and Brazil.

        Proven Platforms to Vietnam                                             Embraer has received orders for over
                                                                                260 A-29 Super Tucanos, with the type
                                                                                operated by 16 airforces. Customers
        Embraer is participating at the ongoing  fleet. The C-390 Millennium is config-  in the region include Indonesia and
        Vietnam Defence Expo with the intention  ured for transport missions, while the  the Philippines. The A-29 has a proven
        to partner with Hanoi for its current and  aircraft configured with air-to-air refue-  ability  to operate from remote and un-
        future military modernisation require-  ling equipment, and designated as the  paved runways on advanced operational
        ments. The presence of the Brazilian  KC-390, has the aerial refueling capacity  bases in hostile environments with lit-
        firm in Vietnam reflects the strength-  both as a tanker and as a receiver.   tle support, demonstrating availability
        ened bilateral relations between Brazil                                 rates above 90%. The newest versions
        and Vietnam. The Prime Minister of   The C-390 can carry 26 tonnes of pay-  of the A-29 are available with an elec-
        Vietnam, Phạm Minh Chính had met    load at speeds of 470 knots and can un-  tro-optical/infrared system with laser
        with Embraer representatives on the   dertake a wide range of missions such   designator, night vision goggles, secure
        sidelines of the recent G20 Summit in   as air logistic support to Government   voice communications, and a data-link
        Brazil and the engagement highlighted   agencies, aerial surveillance, transport-  package. The aircraft can perform a
        the opportunity for Embraer to further   ing and dropping cargo and troops,   wide range of missions such as Close
        contribute towards Vietnam’s aerospace   medical evacuation, search and rescue,   Air Support (CAS), air patrol, special
        ambitions.                          firefighting, and humanitarian missions.   operations, air interdiction, JTAC, for-
                                            It can operate on temporary or unpaved
        “Embraer is honoured to participate in  runways such as packed earth, soil,   ward air controller (FAC), air and tactical
        Vietnam Defence Expo 2024 and warm-  coral and gravel. The current C-390   coordinator (TAC), Armed ISR, border
        ly congratulates the Vietnam People’s  Millennium fleet globally has accumu-  surveillance, reconnaissance, air es-
        Army on its 80th anniversary,” said  lated more than 15,000 flight hours, with   cort, basic, operational and advanced
        Bosco da Costa Junior, President and  the fleet demonstrating a 93% mission   training, transition to air superiority fight-
        CEO of Embraer Defence & Security.  capability rate with mission completion  ers, JTAC/LIFT and FAC training. The
        “Vietnam is a key market for Embraer,  rates above 99%. Embraer has won or-  worldwide A-29 fleet has accumulated
        and we are committed to contributing  ders for the C-390 from South Korea, the  over  570, 000 flight hours, including
        to the development of the country›s aer-  Netherlands, Austria, Czech Republic,  approximately 60, 000 combat hours.
        ospace and defense industry. We look
        forward to exploring ways to further
        collaborate and promote technological

        The Brazilian firm is showcasing scale
        models of its highly successful C-390
        Millennium multi-mission military trans-
        port aircraft and the A-29 Super Tucano
        light attack, reconnaissance and ad-
        vanced training aircraft. Sweden had
        announced its decision in November to
        opt for the C-390 Millennium as its new
        tactical transport aircraft. Slovakia has
        also indicated the C-390 as its best op-
        tion to modernize its military transport

        14  DECEMBER-19-2024                                                             WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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