Page 11 - VIETNAM DEFENCE EXPO 2024 - Day 1 | GBP
P. 11

Versatile Lockheed Martin C-130 Ideal for Vietnamese Need

        Lockheed Martin is marking its second
        appearance at the ongoing Vietnam
        Defence Expo and promoting its C-130
        Hercules and C-130J Super Hercules
        transport aircraft for an emerging
        Vietnamese requirement for a modern
        transport type. A company spokes-
        person, speaking to Daily News, said,
        “Lockheed Martin stands ready to sup-
        port Vietnam and other U.S. partners
        and allies across Indo-Pacific region in
        meeting their current and future mis-
        sion requirements across all domains.”
        The focus for the U.S. defence firm at
        the show is on its C-130 Hercules and
        C-130J Super Hercules transport air-
        craft. “We plan to highlight the C-130J’s
        tactical-by-design and proven capabil-  C-130J-30 offers outstanding short-  weather reconnaissance, firefighting
        ities at this show given the relevancy  field take-off and landing performance,  and commercial freight delivery. Using
        the Super Hercules has with current and  lower fuel consumption, reduced carbon  its aft loading ramp and door, the C-130
        future regional operators,” the spokes-  footprint, increased range, the most  can accommodate a wide variety of
        person said.                        pallet and passenger capacity, and su-  oversized cargo, including everything
                                            perior survivability. The global fleet of  from utility helicopters and six-wheeled
                                            555+ C-130Js has surpassed 3 million  armored vehicles to standard palletized
        The C-130 Hercules and C-130J Super   flight hours with 28 operators in 23  cargo and military personnel. In an aerial
        Hercules have a wide-reaching pres-  nations using their aircraft to undertake  delivery role, it can airdrop loads up to
        ence in the INDOPACOM region, with   combat missions, transport, aerial re-  42,000 pounds or use its high-flotation
        12 countries operating legacy C-130s   fueling, Special Operations, medevac,  landing gear to land and deliver cargo
        and six operating C-130J fleets. The   humanitarian relief, search and rescue,  on rough, dirt strips.

        Vietnam Deepens Defence                                                 also inked loan agreements under a
                                                                                US$300 million Line of Credit extend-
                                                                                ed by the Government of India to the
        Partnership with India                                                  Government of Vietnam for defence

                                                                                During the 14th India-Vietnam Defence
                                                                                Policy Dialogue which took place in
                                                                                New Delhi in August this year and was
                                                                                co-chaired by Defence Secretary Shri
                                                                                Giridhar Aramane and Deputy Minister
                                                                                of National Defence of Vietnam Senior
                                                                                Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien;
                                                                                Vietnam proposed five focus areas for
                                                                                cooperation which included delega-
                                                                                tion exchanges and dialogue, staff-
                                                                                talks; Service-to-Service cooperation;
                                                                                Education and training; and Defence
                                                                                Industry cooperation. India proposed
        Vietnam and India are increasing their  official delegation including Ministers   cooperation  in  emerging areas of
        partnership in areas of defence secu-  and leaders of many ministries of Viet   concern for both countries like Cyber
        rity. The enhance defence cooperation  Nam. A ‘Joint Vision Statement on India-  Security, Information Security, Military
        between both nations is based on mu-  Vietnam Defence Partnership towards   Medicine, Submarine Search & Rescue.
        tual interest and the priority accorded  2030’ was inked by both countries in   Both nations have also signed a Letter
        by both countries to ensure greater  June 2022 during the visit of India’s   of Intent to strengthen cooperation in
        stability in the wider Indo-Pacific re-  Defence Minister Rajnath Singh to   the field of training including exchange
        gion. Vietnam is an important partner  Vietnam. The defence cooperation be-  of instructors and experts. India had
        in India’s Act East Policy and in the  tween the two countries in recent years  also handed over an indigenously-built
        Indo-Pacific Region. Earlier this year,  has covered dialogues, training and ca-  in-service Missile Corvette INS Kirpan to
        the Prime Minister of Viet Nam, H.E.  pacity building cooperation, exchange of  the Vietnam Peoples Navy in July 2023.
        Pham Minh Chinh made a State Visit  best practices, exercises, defence policy  The warship was handed over with its
        to India accompanied by a high level  and industry cooperation. Vietnam has  full weapons complement.

        VIET NAM INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE EXPO 2024                                              DECEMBER-19-2024 11
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