Page 12 - VIETNAM DEFENCE EXPO 2024 - Day 1 | GBP
P. 12
Vietnam Air Force to Induct
L-39NG into Service Soon
The Vietnamese Air Force, the first cus- aircraft will serve as a training platform the appropriate theoretical and prac-
tomer in the region for the L-39NG train- for fighter pilots as well as a tactical tical training kits along with its com-
er aircraft, will soon induct the aircraft strike platform fulfilling a wide range pleted L-39NG aircraft, which also in-
into service. Vietnam has a total of 12 of air force missions. The L-39NG cludes a simulation training system
L-39NGs on order. Aero Vodochody platform has been configured specif- and manuals for pilots and mechanics.
Aerospace had, in August this year, ically for Vietnam, which operates an “The entire project is proceeding
announced the completion of the Site all-Russian fighter force. The new air- according to the agreed schedule,
Acceptance Test (SAT) for its L-39NG craft meets the Vietnamese Air Force’s and both parties are cooperating
trainer aircraft in Vietnam. All six L-39NG requirements for comprehensive and intensively on it,” a company offi-
aircraft successfully passed the final cost-effective training of future pilots cial said. Approximately 400 supplier
acceptance test in which the aircraft and is also suitable for light combat companies are involved in the produc-
were in their completed configuration and reconnaissance missions. “We are tion of the L-39NG, with about 65% of
and flown by a factory pilot on site. proud that six of these machines, the suppliers coming from the Czech
“The final step of the handover the latest version of the legendary Republic. The assembly of one L-39NG
of the aircraft, called SAT, takes Czech L-39 training jet, are already aircraft requires approximately 14,000
place directly at the customer’s site in operation with their first custom- parts, 17,500 rivets and 31,000 hours
and is directed by a joint team of er. This is an important milestone of labour.
around ten specialists from Aero for Omnipol and AERO Vodochody,”
and Omnipol,” said Victor Sotona, CEO said Jiří Podpěra, President of Omnipol. The new L-39 ‘Skyfox’ will have a ser-
and Chairman of the Board of Aero. Vietnam is the first user of the L-39NG vice life of up to 15,000 Flying Hours,
In October this year, Aero renamed aircraft to receive the aircraft in partner- features use of lightweight composites
the L-39NG as the L-39 ‘Skyfox’ and is ship with Aero’s shareholder Omnipol. and has a wet wing. The aircraft has the
eyeing additional export opportunities Aero achieved a production rate of one possibility of operating from unpaved
for the type. Other customers for the aircraft a month in 2024. surfaces, can have up to five hard points
L-39NG include Hungary and the Czech and features open architecture avionics,
Republic and Aero currently has orders Multi-Functional Displays (MFD), HUD,
for atleast 34 units of the L-39NG. The SAT is carried out to is to ensure HOTAS and digital radios. The aircraft
that the aircraft is correctly installed is fitted with a Martin-Baker Zero-Zero
The Vietnamese Air Force is expected and configured and is ready for oper- Mk.CZ16H ejection seat and the pow-
to formally induct the six L-39NGs into ation. It is also understood that the erplant is a Williams International FJ
service in 2025, following which the Vietnamese Air Force has received all 44-4M engine.